D-Day in Colorado: No Signature Left Behind


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D-Day in Colorado: No Signature Left Behind

This is the show from Monday September 23rd, 2013

Let’s say whether a common criminal, a thug, breaks into your home and kills you, or it’s some Muslim terrorist, they kill you and so they’re in big trouble. You’re now with the Lord. They’re the one’s who are in trouble. So even if they kill you, they lose. Do you realize this is why the Bible says we are more than overcomers? If you love Him and trust Him, you cannot be defeated. Even if they were to kill you, you win.
Every church that says, “We don’t judge” - just try to take a few dollars out of the collection plate. You’ll find out in a hurry what they really believe.


Today is the day that the Brady Personhood Amendment signatures must be turned in to Colorado Right To Life, Personhood Colorado, or to A Voice For Brady. Bob Enyart also reports on the latest from liberals, atheists, Pat Robertson, and Jihadists


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Every church that says, “We don’t judge” - just try to take a few dollars out of the collection plate. You’ll find out in a hurry what they really believe.
