Are Glamour Models Immoral?

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Hall of Fame
Why don't you just address either myself or Rusha instead of this? If you've got a legitimate beef with what's been said then just spell it out.

Simple ... he believes he can claim himself innocent of provoking a response by talking ABOUT us rather than to us.


I believe a man can. Those that can't are not yet men....


(A fly-bybee!)

...right square in the manhood! :mmph:


Well-known member
To be paid. It's the same with department store models etc. It's a job not an invitation to rape, like stripping.


So let's call their job what it is. They're paid, very well, to sell some degree of sexual enticement...lust.

Christ warned that for a man to look upon a woman with lust is the same as actually fornicating with her. God counts it as the same thing so saying "I didn't touch her" when you lusted to touch her is no excuse.

Question(s) for you, PJ:

They're selling lust by selling images of themselves which they know men will lust after. That's the point.

Could that conceivably make what they do an indirect form of prostitution?

Or does it, at least, make them adulteresses and fornicators (indirectly, admittedly) because of the reaction of men they know they're going to entice?

Or, at the very least, are they deliberately setting out wicked snares that (though they'd never think of it this way) will cause many to fall?

Whichever of the above options you choose, are they answerable to God for accepting money to inspire lust?


Are they purely innocent because "it's just a job"? Are they innocent of whatever happens to the men who lust after them while allowing themselves to be displayed 80% naked on a magazine cover in the checkout aisle, or 9 foot tall Victoria's Secret posters in the mall? Is God 100% fine with what they do?


Hall of Fame
If that's the case, then I've fornicated in the eyes of God more times than Wilt Chamberlain

That's ... interesting. Anyways, back to the OP. Using the criteria of dressing in such a fashion that certain men might lust, do you see glamour models as immoral?

Greg Jennings

New member
That's ... interesting. Anyways, back to the OP. Using the criteria of dressing in such a fashion that certain men might lust, do you see glamour models as immoral?

Lol. I think most men would agree with me if they were honest with themselves.

To the OP, no I do not. They are making a living by modeling clothes. Some of those clothes show a lot of skin. That doesn't make them wicked people, and to suggest that is quite ridiculous imo


New member
A stripper or a model can be a Christian. A rapist can be a Christian.
So to say that they are not living the "Christian" life is creating a legality for Christians that God did not create. A Christian is based on grace, not legality.


Hall of Fame
Lol. I think most men would agree with me if they were honest with themselves.

To the OP, no I do not. They are making a living by modeling clothes. Some of those clothes show a lot of skin. That doesn't make them wicked people, and to suggest that is quite ridiculous imo

Well, that is my take on the situation as well. It is the responsibility of each and every person to not put themselves in situations in which they will feel *lust* IF they are unable to control themselves.


Hall of Fame
Right. So even our thoughts are counted. Can you imagine how offensive we appear when even our thoughts are exposed and count against us? And yet we still try to maintain a superiority that we can blame more wrongs on others than ourselves.

This is an excellent point. I truly believe that what is in a person's mind shows the condition of their heart and character.
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