ECT Acts 13-Interplanner's Continuous Rebellion

john w

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I did notice a John W post the other day, where to much surprise he actually was speaking ordinarily about a text.

what a mess. It was 1 Tim 3:16.

Do you remember those bibles with the green X000 in the future lights I mentioned? Well there are also D'ist bibles with green lights wherever the word 'mystery' is found.

This mystery has nothing to do with the church. It is the mystery of God's redemptive work, called the mystery of godliness. The originals have either 'God' or 'He' to kick the thing off, so check the wiring on those green lights.

Who ever heard of church appearing in a body, seen by angels, preaching itself among nations, believed on, taken up in glory?

Maybe there are green lights now for the word body, too, lol!!!

You'd better not be validating people 'believe on ' the church. That's a set up for the papacy if there ever was one!

I suppose 'taken up' is the rapture, whooooo-hoooooey! Funny how it is past tense.

If you see a translation note in a version, be sure to consult and get to a solid conclusion before you go off firing at innocent bystanders.

What a mess.....And quit imitating me, loser......You don't have my presence.

No, this is not a reference to the Lord Jesus Christ, as the order is incorrect, and Him being God, is not a "mystery," as the bible defines the term.

1 Tim. 3 KJV
16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

A 6 year old can see, understand, by studying the details of the book, not commentaries, like yourself, that the chronological order is not referencing the Lord Jesus Christ's incarnation.....

Seen of angels, after He became flesh? No. He was seen of them prior.... The "preaching" and "believing" before the Ascension of Christ? No-the Lord Jesus Christ was not "preached among the nations" until after the Ascension. And on....

This is a reference to the church, which is his body, in this dispensation. Of course,you, like your father the devil, hate that word.

You're a clueless drone, addicted to your stack of commentaries. My evidence? You.


New member
One key to what Paul was actually talking about in the following, is in what he had already been talking about when he then added to that what he then added to it, after it...

He was talking about this, in verse 15...

1 Timothy 3:14 These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly: 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

He then said this about said "house of God..."

3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

At the same time, he was actually reminding Timothy of the need for the outward testimony of that - of "how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth."

In this, all that is more than supposedly knowing what all the rest of that is.

In this, all that is actually the issue of how we conduct ourselves with others, in light of this mystery OF GODLINESS IN us.

Absent of that, how much Bible one individual or another might, or might not know about...does not nothing more than...

2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

In this, who cares who actually has their so called gospel of grace right, if when it comes time to walk in said grace when disagreed with, or when called out on said hypocrisy...said grace is no where to be found in such.

And to the consistent shame before all but to themselves, most of the so called MADs on here have too often faired worse in that; than most anyone else on TOL.

Who in their right mind would want to be a part of such a group?

Which leaves only one response about such - a chuckle.

Humour - tragedy reflected on, over time.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
One key to what Paul was actually talking about in the following, is in what he had already been talking about when he then added to that what he then added to it, after it...

He was talking about this, in verse 15...

1 Timothy 3:14 These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly: 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

He then said this about said "house of God..."

3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.



New member

Thing is, there are passages in The Scripture that go into each aspect of said mystery of Godliness...

The part about God was manifest in the flesh,

...the part about justified in the Spirit,

...the part about seen of angels,

...the part about preached unto the Gentiles,

...the part about believed on in the world,

...and the part about received up into glory.

None of which one has much of a hope of properly understanding, who obviously invests a great deal of his or her time in an OVER reliance on books "about" for their supposed understanding :chuckle:

THE Scripture ever requires one wrestle with IT, if one is to get out of It, Its' intended study approach and answers.

Isaiah 8:20


New member
I suspect that Interloper's commentaries never covered the mystery of godliness, saint john.

Where is said mystery of Godliness in how we treat those we disagree with?

Where is the "reprove with longsuffering"?

And where is it in the condoning of the behaviour of those who do not live by that towards any one who opposes their views?

No, bro, though you have asserted otherwise; you and I are regrettably not on the same team.

You and yours would do well to invest some time in carefully studying out not only the longsuffering with which O'Hair would deal with opposition, but that he always came back from, having been made wiser in his own positions, by said opposition, due to how he'd handled said opposition to begin with - "with longsuffering" not just "with doctrine."

Because Romans 5:8.


New member
Nah, I was just providing an example where you do not always treat others with said mystery of godliness...

lol - why do you think I mentioned the "with longsuffering" part?

I had hoped you'd read that post keeping in mind the principle of "One key to what ____ was actually talking about in the following, is in what he had already been talking about when he then added to that what he then added to it, after it..." :chuckle:

At times, I myself will give a hard time to the opposition - even mock their conclusions, at times.

But always, I try to keep in mind not only what I might nevertheless learn from them anyway, but also, how far I allow myself to go as far as my wording to them in my opposition of them, is considered.

You also well know that I always concede any point of theirs that I find sound.

I don't see much of that in you towards them - and not at all in those you often assert I should be a team player with, just because we supposedly share many similar views.

Fact is, bro, what does how right we might be matter, when presented via such a shabby, ever one-sided witness of it?

A double-standard has no place being allowed by, or in, those who assert Paul is their pattern.

To your credit, you made light of what you could just as easily have allowed yourself to react to in the hypocritical manner your pals far too often allow themselves to respond from.

You remain a cut above them, in this much.

Eph. 4:16.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Nah, I was just providing an example where you do not always treat others with said mystery of godliness...
It's a conspiracy.
That elusive "club", ya know.
Danoh is the only one qualified to tell others they that they don't show the amount of grace they should (as he does), and don't show it as often as they should (as he does), and don't show it how they should (as he does).
As another said to me, "Danoh is one of those folks that pisses on ya, and tries to convince you it's rain".


Well-known member
The mystery of godliness was about God, but that it profoundly affects our lives. It is not about the church. It is not about the house of God. (Calling all compartmentalizers: where is your HOG doctrine that should be answering questions raised about the so-called mystery of the church?)

After sampling a few STP's today, I notice:

An arrogant person, totally absorbed in himself. I have talked with 100 pagans over the past 2 months and no thanks, I'd rather speak with them any day than STP.

I find him totally DQ'd on Hebrews based on responses so far. How people cannot see what is taking place with the land in Hebrews borders on hilarious. I don't need to hear anything further from a person who knows 8:8 only, end of discussion. Nor that 1:8 says the Son is on God's thrown--as though there were several. who has time or interest in chasing down forced, abstrusities that he invents to protect Chafer and D'ism and 2P2P.

He still thinks the promise verse in Acts 13 is the one about Abraham earlier. Talk about a person who does not know a punchline when he see it.

then he thinks I Cor 10 is about the ends of the world, another grammatical FLOP on the WRONG verse.

Aaaaaah, the internet, where you can dictate to people that you are the only one who knows! No proof, no reasons, just bit-space!

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
The mystery of godliness was about God, but that it profoundly affects our lives. It is not about the church. It is not about the house of God. (Calling all compartmentalizers: where is your HOG doctrine that should be answering questions raised about the so-called mystery of the church?)

After sampling a few STP's today, I notice:

An arrogant person, totally absorbed in himself. I have talked with 100 pagans over the past 2 months and no thanks, I'd rather speak with them any day than STP.

I find him totally DQ'd on Hebrews based on responses so far. How people cannot see what is taking place with the land in Hebrews borders on hilarious. I don't need to hear anything further from a person who knows 8:8 only, end of discussion. Nor that 1:8 says the Son is on God's thrown--as though there were several. who has time or interest in chasing down forced, abstrusities that he invents to protect Chafer and D'ism and 2P2P.

He still thinks the promise verse in Acts 13 is the one about Abraham earlier. Talk about a person who does not know a punchline when he see it.

then he thinks I Cor 10 is about the ends of the world, another grammatical FLOP on the WRONG verse.

Aaaaaah, the internet, where you can dictate to people that you are the only one who knows! No proof, no reasons, just bit-space!

All made up.