Flynn case dropped!!!


Flynn case dropped!!!

Given that it was this President, not the Democrats, who removed General Flynn as National Security Adviser for lying to the Vice President, is the concept of truth now an alien concept and those holding the highest positions in the government can lie with immunity!
Does this also mean that following Flynn's example, current government employees have been given the "green-light" to supplement their incomes by now serving as unregistered lobbyists for foreign nations and all the obvious conflicts of interest that entails?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Real justice takes time. We don't burn down cities for immediate gratification like you lowlife pigs on the Left do

I see that being perma-banned from virtually every forum you've joined over the past few months hasn't brought you to your senses any, as you are still spouting the same slanderous vitriol as before. I look forward to seeing the rioters and looters get what's coming to them.