Nineveh's SPOTD 12-3-03

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Merely Christian
Originally posted by geralduk
A wise man knows when he is ignorant.
A foolish one just speaks out of his ignorance.

There comes a point when a man who is ignorant but seeks the truth with all his heart will by the grace of God come to know the truth.
But a foolish one who speaks of things he knows not of will neither come to it or know it.
unless he repents of his foolishness.
and begins to fear God for in that "is the BEGINNING of wisdom"

Yet notwithsatnding there is a DIFFERENCE betwen truth and error.
as there is in LIGHT and DARKNESS.
and though some may argue that as at dusk there seems to be little difference between the too.
Yet in truth those who love darkness rather than the light love also dusk.
For it gives them the APEARENCE of walking in the light and it is hard to tell the difference .
Yet when the sun comes up then you can tell thosee who wlak in the light for thier walk does not change.
Nor does it when when the sun goes down(see daniel and joseph)
But they who are in darkness and love it so ,when the sun comes up flee from the light and their work is known.
and when the sun goes down they remain but increase thinking that the night hides them.
and where as a man who does not yet and has not yet copme to a knowledge of the truth while at dusk still is unsure.
yet when the sun comes up will have the opertunity to do what is right.

Error or a LIE does not become TRUTH and RIGHTOUSNESS the nearer it gets to heaven but is the more clearer seen for what it is. and is cast down.
Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life,NO man COMETH UNTO THE FATHER("who art in heaven") but by Me"

A journey they say starts with the first step.
the longer the journey the more SURE must be the first step.
if you take two peices of string and start from the same point.
and have a point at a far distant.
and place one in a DIRECT and STRAIGHT line to it and the other but at an angle apart from straight ;then that one will PROGRESIVELY DIVERGE from the other and will in the end MISS the target.
To which to all APEARENCES they BOTH looked like in the BEGINNING to be aiming for.

Likewise the seed of of the CORN does not produce anything else but CORN.
and likewise the seed of the tares also.

and where as A man can repent of a LIE and his error. and turn to the truth
Who or why should a man repent of the truth?
For when a man knows the truth he is made free.

Therefore we are commanded to HOLD FAST to the truth and to shun evil.
To "buy the truth and SELL IT NOT"

therefore "if the SON shall make you free ye are free in DEED"

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