Bob Debates Pastor Cox on Immorality

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Merely Christian
: Jaw drops :

That was utterly unbelievable!

I hope dave gives this one a listen...

The best quote ( imho )...

Pastor Enyart said:
We have gone so far from God's standard of sex only within marriage, now we don't even require it between man and woman.


New member
This is the first show I've actually listened to. Gotta love high-speed cable internet. ;)

Bob did awesome. That was a brutal point when he broke it down to the other pastor using the harsh OT laws to soften out a view of current moral issues.

Anyway, I think I'll check out some more shows now.

Mr. 5020

New member
I still can't stand BobE, but the part at the end about the pensions and stealing...that was good. :thumb:


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Super Moderator
One quote from the show actually does stand out for me:

At our church...we discourage young people [who are dating] from being alone together and we strongly urge - and they do take the councel, especially the young women love the liberty it gives them - that they should be chaperoned whenever, wherever they are going somewhere together they should be chaperoned. They would never take a trip together. They'd never get a hotel room together. They'd never go on a cruise together. And even when they go to a State Park or up in the Colorado Rockies they would be chaperoned.

And the women tell us it's one of the most liberating teachings that they can live under because then the pressure of the man to break down the natural defenses God gave the woman - that pressure is alleviated.


Merely Christian
I couldn't believe the guy's reaction to that quote! He couldn't believe it! "Does everyone in your congregation agree?" Like a majority gets to vote on holiness or something... Obviously he missed that everyone he shepherds seems to agree that young people just can't control themselves and there is just nothing anyone can do about it.


New member
Can someone explain to me how Enyart talks about the sanctity of marriage, but has been married 3 times? (I don't know the history behind it.)

Nathon Detroit

beanieboy said:
Can someone explain to me how Enyart talks about the sanctity of marriage, but has been married 3 times? (I don't know the history behind it.)
Do you think this post is a bit off topic?


New member
No, because he is talking about the sanctity of marriage, how important it is to be committed in a marriage, and is questioning a pastor who is saying that he should be preaching what the bible says.

But, the whole time, I keep thinking that Enyart is saying one thing, and has been married 3 times (is that correct), so, while he makes good points, doesn't his life say that opposite?

I don't know much about his personal life, but if he claimed to say that marriage vows are important, yet has been divorced and remarried, it seems a conflicting message that he is sending.
Or did this all happen before his ministry?

I don't know his history, so I'm trying to understand it.


New member
beanieboy said:
Can someone explain to me how Enyart talks about the sanctity of marriage, but has been married 3 times? (I don't know the history behind it.)

One of the things that I really like about Bob Enyart is that he admits that he has done evil things openly, and shows us not only how wrong he was to have done them, but the terrible effects they have had on his life and the lives of others. Many people hide their wicked behaviors to protect their image. Bob uses his to show us how much better God's plan for our lives is than than the results of living by our basest inclinations.


New member
Crow said:
One of the things that I really like about Bob Enyart is that he admits that he has done evil things openly, and shows us not only how wrong he was to have done them, but the terrible effects they have had on his life and the lives of others. Many people hide their wicked behaviors to protect their image. Bob uses his to show us how much better God's plan for our lives is than than the results of living by our basest inclinations.

I saw him give his personal testimony on television at least a couple of times and it was very powerful. The show in question here was great too.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Does anyone know whether or not they continued the debate for tomorrows show?


Formerly Shimei!
Clete said:
Does anyone know whether or not they continued the debate for tomorrows show?

Friday's show wasn't a continued debate. I hope Bob recorded the rest of the debate and shares it though.


Blessed beyond measure
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Shimei said:
Friday's show wasn't a continued debate. I hope Bob recorded the rest of the debate and shares it though.

Oh bummer. I was hoping to hear if Pastor Cox was going to continue to defend his fraud.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
How many times did Pastor Cox begin his replies to Bob's questions with a few seconds of silence? I lost count.

"It is better to sit in silence and appear ignorant, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." -- Mark Twain​

Maybe he should have quit while he was behind. :shocked:
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