ECT The Patience of God in His Consummation of Our Lives

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The Patience of God in His Consummation of Our Lives

We must keep in mind when working through this that God will not go against our will for our life.

The patience of God labors for the converted mind of the saved person whose child heart has not yet been born in him by the power of God now imputed him that he might pursue further the Source of so great salvation to be made complete by the promise of his new birth able now to be offered Him: that he might pursue to know God the only True God in an intimate way and Jesus Christ, his lifelong Justifying lover, the beginning and the end of his seeking..

The Consuming Fire

God’s Consuming Fire can only begin upon our new birth. Had Moses been born again he would never have struck the rock in the wilderness twice after God directed him to but speak to it. I believe this example of punishment to Moses can very well be for the new born of God in Christ who offend short of apostasy. i.e.. forgiven but no entrance into the promised land. David being another example of this for our benefit who trampled underfoot the Grace and Glory of God.

“Wherefore, we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reference and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire.” Heb 12:27-29.

“We have received a kingdom that cannot be moved whose nature is immovable: let us have grace to serve the Consuming Fire, our God. with divine fear: not with the fear that cringes and craves. but with the bowing down of all thoughts, all delights, all loves before him who is the life of them all, and will have them all pure. The kingdom he has given us cannot be moved, because it has nothing weak in it: it is of the eternal world, the world of being, of truth. We, therefore, must worship him with a fear pure as the kingdom is unshakeable. He will shake heaven and earth, that only the unshakeable may remain, (verse 27): he is a consuming fire, that only that which cannot be consumed may stand forth eternal. It is the nature of God so terribly pure that it destroys all that is not pure as fire. which demands like purity in our worship. He will have purity. It is not that the fire will burn us if we do not worship thus: but that the fire will burn us until we worship thus: yea. will go on burning within us after all that is foreign to it has yielded to its force, no longer with pain and consuming, but as the highest consciousness of life, the presence of God. When evil, which alone is consumable, shall have passed away in his fire from the dwellers in the immovable kingdom, the nature of man shall look the nature of God in the face, and his fear shall then be pure: for an eternal, that is a holy fear, must spring from a knowledge of the nature, not from a sense of the power. But that which cannot he consumed must he one within itself, a simple existence; therefore in such a soul the fear towards God will be one with the homeliest love. Yea, the fear of God will cause a man to flee, not from him, but from himself; not from hIm, but to him, the Father of himself, in terror lest he should do Him wrong or his neighbor wrong. And the first words which follow for the setting forth of that grace whereby we may serve God acceptably are these “Let brotherly love continue.” To love our brother is to worship the Consuming Fire.”

Geo. MacDonald. . . .