Change You Can Believe In


Tribes ask judge to stop Dakota Access oil from flowing
Putin Spokesman: Russian Ambassador Met With Clinton’s Aides During the Presidential Campaign
Czech President Mocks Media, Declares Himself An “Agent Of Putin, Trump, China And Israel”
Judge Napolitano: ‘Three Intel Sources’ Say Obama Looked to Brit Agency to Spy on Trump
VA Hospital Removes Portraits of Trump & New VA Sec’y Hung by Vets
Trump: Dems Made up Allegations of Russian Interference
NSA Documents: Surveillance on Trump and so-called Family
Project Dragnet
Nunes Unmasking Report Vindicates Trump Claims on Surveillance
...There Was Incidental Surveillance Of Trump During Obama Administration, Seems To Be Inappropriate
Top General Just Exposed Exactly What Obama Has Done To Our Military Over the Past 8 Years
Bribes: King of Saudi Arabia Gave Obamas Millions in Gifts

NSA To Provide 'Smoking Gun' Proof Obama Spied on Trump
...Gathered, disseminated secret electronic communications prior to inauguration
Nunes Calls Comey, Rogers For "Closed Session" After Finding "Concerning Info" In Intel Reports
More and More Reports Show Obama Administration Spied on Trump
...No Evidence of Connection Between Trump Campaign and Russia
Obama Officials Made List of Russia Probe Documents To Keep Them Safe
Report: Obama Admin Surveillance of Trump World 'Unprecedented' for 'Year'
Eli Lake: Susan Rice Requested Unmasking of People Connected to Trump Transition
How Obama's White House Weaponized Media Against Trump
Report: Rice Ordered 'Spreadsheets' of Trump Campaign Calls
Paper: Evidence Russia 'scandal' is Team Obama operation
Growing readiness woes: Only 7 in 10 Air Force planes are ready to fly
Susan Rice Refuses to Deny Trump Unmasking Requests Despite Claiming Ignorance Just Weeks Ago
Susan Rice Responds To Trump Unmasking Allegations: “I Leaked Nothing To Nobody”
...Hoekstra Calls for Hearings on Susan Rice Unmasking
...Rand Paul Asked If Obama Knew About Eavesdropping
Fake News Media Frenzy To Protect Susan Rice As Truth About Obama Shadow Government Implodes
New Smoking Gun Documents: Obama IRS Officials Admit to Inappropriately Targeting Conservative Groups
Ben Carson Uncovered Half a Trillion dollars in 'Bookkeeping Errors' in Obama Administration
Limbaugh: Proof-positive Obama was spying on Trump
Report: Obama Justice Department Obtained Secret Order to Monitor Trump Campaign Adviser in June 2016
Limbaugh: Proof-positive Obama was spying on Trump Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
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Obama: Proposed to another, took drugs, thought about being a homosexual

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

US opioid crisis at epidemic proportions

Obama endorses Macron in French election :Nineveh: Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
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