Before SMART:


Well-known member
The "New Earth" Was Given TO The "One M-A-N" With Many "Men Members", The "Body OF CHRIST"!! ((( There IS "N-O" Women Members )))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
((((( Find where )))))) IT Gives the "Body of Christ" to A WOMAN - OR the WOMAN TO The "Body Of Christ"!!!!

((( Matthew 18:16-18 KJV )))-- 16- "But if he Will not hear thee, then take with thee "one or two MORE", that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every Word may be established.
17- And if he shall neglect to hear them, (( tell it unto the "CHURCH": BUT if HE Neglect to hear the CHURCH, )) let him be unto thee as an (( Heathen M-A-N )) and a Publican.
18- Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall Bind on EARTH Shall BE Bound in HEAVEN: and Whatsoever YE shall loose on EARTH shall BE Loosed IN HEAVEN!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060116

Gal. 3:26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

We are one body; the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.



New member
Gal. 3:26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

We are one body; the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Christ's """B-o-d-y""" Is ""M-A-R-R-I-E-D / Baptized"" // ""J-O-I-N-E-D"" -- T-O CHRIST "T-H-E -- H-E-A-D" Of His BODY.
"""Christians""" ARE "Married" / "BAPTIZED" / "JOINED" I-N-T-O The B-O-D-Y OF Christ, N-O-T The HEAD. - "C-H-R-I-S-T" is the H-E-A-D Of HIS BODY!!! - (( Christ IS THE H-E-A-D OF Christians Who Are THE ""BODY OF CHRIST" ))!!!

(((((((( How Do You Contradict That?? ))))))))????

""""( CHRIST )"""" = ""CHRISTIANS / CHURCH </> G-R-O-U-P "" / The "Body of Christ" // """"( Christ )"""" the Head of the "GROUP / CHURCH"!!!

((( That IS "EXACTLY As GOD SAYS IT", Maybe Saying The Same Thing IN "Different W-A-Y-S"!!! )))

W-E-L-L!! Most People Can't Understand GOD OR ME!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060516


New member
Before SMART:

"I WAS ASKED" - (( "Do I Believe In "A-L-I-E-N-S" ))???

"T-O-D-A-Y" // "N-O-W" - the World IS Nothing BUT ( "TROUBLE, - LIES, and VERY "EVIL D-A-N-G-E-R"!!

(( "300" Years Ago )) OR More, the Blacks Were Nothing MORE than Animals WITH Great "Learning Ability"; AND The Whites TOOK Them for Slaves, A-N-D Taught Them THEIR Stupid False "G-R-E-A-T-N-E-S-S"!!!

(( LONG A-G-O ))!!
( "B-E-F-O-R-E" ) the "PYRAMIDS"; - and the "Other Mighty Structures", - THE "W-H-I-T-E-S" WERE A-L-S-O As The Animals, THEN WITH Great Learning Ability.

SOOO!! -- "A-L-I-E-N-S" Learned OF This World's Animals On this Planet and DID A Very Wonderful THING To the Animals That They KNEW COULD Learn Very Good and MUCH.

The Knowledge -- O-F Great Learning Of Great Knowledge; - the Aliens Knew It Would Take a "G-R-E-A-T SYSTEM" for This World to GAIN M-U-C-H WISDOM!! -- SOOOOO!! The Alien Visitors PUT The ANIMALS to Learning W-I-T-H --- ""G-R-E-A-T"" Work That Took a LOT Of T-I-M-E AND W-O-R-K!!! - ((( Building Worthless Structures ))) like "Pyramids" and the "Other" STUFF THAT Gave the GREAT THINKING ANIMALS T-H-E ( "ABILITY" ) to T-H-I-N-K!!!!! ----- "HOWEVER"!! - The Animals Only Accepted the Work of Doing - TO "Satisfy" Themselves With the Things A-N-D The WAY T-H-E-Y LIKED!! --- And NOW, -- THIS World IS AS IT IS; - As the Man of Today ( Made Himself With the "WISDOM" of Aliens ). -- N-O-W the Aliens are SEEING What their ( "Students" ) HAVE DONE, AND The ( Aliens are Preparing to DO Something T-O Set Things BACK "THEIR W-A-Y" )!!!

( Just Watch AND S-E-E )!!!!

((( DO THE "W-O-R-D" MATH )))!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 052916
Are they coming back from the planet Nibiru? You must be a big Zecharia Sitchin fan. :chuckle:


New member
Are they coming back from the planet Nibiru? You must be a big Zecharia Sitchin fan. :chuckle:

I HAVE N-E-V-E-R Heard of - "Nibiru" OR ( ""Zecharia Sitchin""!! )!!!!!
I H-A-V-E Heard Of "C-H-R-I-S-T", A-n-d Know Christ, Not Just Know O-F Christ!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060516


New member
What does Christ have to do with aliens? :freak:

"Christ / G-O-D" ""Created The (UNI')VERSE"!! ( How Could Christ / GOD N-o-t KNOW A-L-L )???
THE Father, Son, And the Holy Ghost; These Three Are "O-N-E"!!! - ""THE Total ( UNI' )VERSE""!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060516


New member
"Christ / G-O-D" ""Created The (UNI')VERSE"!! ( How Could Christ / GOD N-o-t KNOW A-L-L )???
THE Father, Son, And the Holy Ghost; These Three Are "O-N-E"!!! - ""THE Total ( UNI' )VERSE""!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060516
So Christ created aliens? I hope you don't really believe that. It's a deception.


New member
So Christ created aliens? I hope you don't really believe that. It's a deception.

Earthlings Are Aliens T-O Are Aliens!!

(( 100,000,000,000,000 )) PLANETS AND (( "M-O-R-E" )) Planets IN The Universe; How COULD There N-O-T Be OTHER "L-I-F-E" Elsewhere?????

PAUL, DAVID -- 060516


New member
Earthlings Are Aliens T-O Are Aliens!!

(( 100,000,000,000,000 )) PLANETS AND (( "M-O-R-E" )) Planets IN The Universe; How COULD There N-O-T Be OTHER "L-I-F-E" Elsewhere?????

PAUL, DAVID -- 060516
Why would you want to believe in aliens so much? Are they God's messengers or did God appoint others to be his messengers? Think about what you're saying.


New member
Why would you want to believe in aliens so much? Are they God's messengers or did God appoint others to be his messengers? Think about what you're saying.

((((( LORD; - HERE WE G-O -- A-G-A-I-N!!!! )))))!!!!!!!!!!!

I SAID What I SAID; -- A-N-D -- G-O-D SAYS What HE SAYS!!!!!!!!!!

NOW Make Up a Bunch MORE Garbage Like that GM Always DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060516


New member
((((( LORD; - HERE WE G-O -- A-G-A-I-N!!!! )))))!!!!!!!!!!!

I SAID What I SAID; -- A-N-D -- G-O-D SAYS What HE SAYS!!!!!!!!!!

NOW Make Up a Bunch MORE Garbage Like that GM Always DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060516
Then clarify what you said in the OP and clear up the confusion/misunderstanding.


New member
Then clarify what you said in the OP and clear up the confusion/misunderstanding.

(((((((( BOY!!!! HERE WE GO """A-G-I-N-E""" ))))))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOW ((( ""G.M."" ))) OR W-h-a-t Ever YOU ARE, - I S-A-I-D WHAT (( I )) S-A-I-D, A-N-D GOD S-a-i-d What HE S-A-I-D!!!!!!!!!!! )))!!!!!!!!!!!

N-O-W -- """D-O-N-T""" Believe Anything I SAY!!!! -- ((( I Don't CARE!!!! ))!!!!!!
Just Make UP A-L-L YOUR Own Garbage That IS Contrary TO Christ's WORD!!!!!!!!

I Don't Give a H-O-O-T -- IF You DON't Care OR LIKE What ((((( - (("I")) S-A-I-D- )))))!!!!!!!!!!!!

(( M-A-N, -- What Trouble Makers Exist Here ON TOL!!!!!!!!! ))!!!!!!!!!

((((((((((((( 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 KJV )) -- 34- (( "Let Your ""WOMEN"" Keep Silence IN THE CHURCH: ) ( for it is N-O-T Permitted Unto THEM to SPEAK; But they are ""Commanded"" to be Under Obedience, (( as also Saith the L-A-W )).
35- And "IF" They Will Learn ANY THING, (( Let Them A-S-K Their ""Husbands A-T -- H-O-M-E: )) (( for it is a Shame for Women TO Speak I-N The "C-H-U-R-C-L"!! ))"

(( N--O--W!! ))!!!! - Are Y-O-U a ""M-e-m-b-e-r"" Of A-N-Y "Church", OF CHRIST The "CHURCH / GROUP"???????????

((( You Must NOT BE, a Christian; )))- Because GOD Said For The WOMEN To Remain """""S-i-l-e-n-t"""""!!!!!!!!! Not Permitted to S-P-E-A-K!!!!!!!!!
YOU Are Not a M--A--N, BUT A WOMAN That Does What God Said for YOU Women Not To DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

((((( S-O )))))-- Waite Until YOU Open Your Eyes IN "H-E-L-L", I Am Going to LAUGH!! - (( Proverbs 1:25-26 KJV ))!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060516

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(((((((( BOY!!!! HERE WE GO """A-G-I-N-E""" ))))))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOW ((( ""G.M."" ))) OR W-h-a-t Ever YOU ARE, - I S-A-I-D WHAT (( I )) S-A-I-D, A-N-D GOD S-a-i-d What HE S-A-I-D!!!!!!!!!!! )))!!!!!!!!!!!

N-O-W -- """D-O-N-T""" Believe Anything I SAY!!!! -- ((( I Don't CARE!!!! ))!!!!!!
Just Make UP A-L-L YOUR Own Garbage That IS Contrary TO Christ's WORD!!!!!!!!

I Don't Give a H-O-O-T -- IF You DON't Care OR LIKE What ((((( - (("I")) S-A-I-D- )))))!!!!!!!!!!!!

(( M-A-N, -- What Trouble Makers Exist Here ON TOL!!!!!!!!! ))!!!!!!!!!

((((((((((((( 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 KJV )) -- 34- (( "Let Your ""WOMEN"" Keep Silence IN THE CHURCH: ) ( for it is N-O-T Permitted Unto THEM to SPEAK; But they are ""Commanded"" to be Under Obedience, (( as also Saith the L-A-W )).
35- And "IF" They Will Learn ANY THING, (( Let Them A-S-K Their ""Husbands A-T -- H-O-M-E: )) (( for it is a Shame for Women TO Speak I-N The "C-H-U-R-C-L"!! ))"

(( N--O--W!! ))!!!! - Are Y-O-U a ""M-e-m-b-e-r"" Of A-N-Y "Church", OF CHRIST The "CHURCH / GROUP"???????????

((( You Must NOT BE, a Christian; )))- Because GOD Said For The WOMEN To Remain """""S-i-l-e-n-t"""""!!!!!!!!! Not Permitted to S-P-E-A-K!!!!!!!!!
YOU Are Not a M--A--N, BUT A WOMAN That Does What God Said for YOU Women Not To DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

((((( S-O )))))-- Waite Until YOU Open Your Eyes IN "H-E-L-L", I Am Going to LAUGH!! - (( Proverbs 1:25-26 KJV ))!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060516

I hope you realize you're quite insane my good fellow?


New member
(((((((( BOY!!!! HERE WE GO """A-G-I-N-E""" ))))))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOW ((( ""G.M."" ))) OR W-h-a-t Ever YOU ARE, - I S-A-I-D WHAT (( I )) S-A-I-D, A-N-D GOD S-a-i-d What HE S-A-I-D!!!!!!!!!!! )))!!!!!!!!!!!

N-O-W -- """D-O-N-T""" Believe Anything I SAY!!!! -- ((( I Don't CARE!!!! ))!!!!!!
Just Make UP A-L-L YOUR Own Garbage That IS Contrary TO Christ's WORD!!!!!!!!

I Don't Give a H-O-O-T -- IF You DON't Care OR LIKE What ((((( - (("I")) S-A-I-D- )))))!!!!!!!!!!!!

(( M-A-N, -- What Trouble Makers Exist Here ON TOL!!!!!!!!! ))!!!!!!!!!

((((((((((((( 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 KJV )) -- 34- (( "Let Your ""WOMEN"" Keep Silence IN THE CHURCH: ) ( for it is N-O-T Permitted Unto THEM to SPEAK; But they are ""Commanded"" to be Under Obedience, (( as also Saith the L-A-W )).
35- And "IF" They Will Learn ANY THING, (( Let Them A-S-K Their ""Husbands A-T -- H-O-M-E: )) (( for it is a Shame for Women TO Speak I-N The "C-H-U-R-C-L"!! ))"

(( N--O--W!! ))!!!! - Are Y-O-U a ""M-e-m-b-e-r"" Of A-N-Y "Church", OF CHRIST The "CHURCH / GROUP"???????????

((( You Must NOT BE, a Christian; )))- Because GOD Said For The WOMEN To Remain """""S-i-l-e-n-t"""""!!!!!!!!! Not Permitted to S-P-E-A-K!!!!!!!!!
YOU Are Not a M--A--N, BUT A WOMAN That Does What God Said for YOU Women Not To DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

((((( S-O )))))-- Waite Until YOU Open Your Eyes IN "H-E-L-L", I Am Going to LAUGH!! - (( Proverbs 1:25-26 KJV ))!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060516
Don't tell me to be silent.You're talking to the wrong woman if you think I'm not permitted to speak. I'll speak anytime I feel like it and I don't need YOUR permission to do so.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Before SMART:

"I WAS ASKED" - (( "Do I Believe In "A-L-I-E-N-S" ))???

"T-O-D-A-Y" // "N-O-W" - the World IS Nothing BUT ( "TROUBLE, - LIES, and VERY "EVIL D-A-N-G-E-R"!!

(( "300" Years Ago )) OR More, the Blacks Were Nothing MORE than Animals WITH Great "Learning Ability"; AND The Whites TOOK Them for Slaves, A-N-D Taught Them THEIR Stupid False "G-R-E-A-T-N-E-S-S"!!!

(( LONG A-G-O ))!!
( "B-E-F-O-R-E" ) the "PYRAMIDS"; - and the "Other Mighty Structures", - THE "W-H-I-T-E-S" WERE A-L-S-O As The Animals, THEN WITH Great Learning Ability.

SOOO!! -- "A-L-I-E-N-S" Learned OF This World's Animals On this Planet and DID A Very Wonderful THING To the Animals That They KNEW COULD Learn Very Good and MUCH.

The Knowledge -- O-F Great Learning Of Great Knowledge; - the Aliens Knew It Would Take a "G-R-E-A-T SYSTEM" for This World to GAIN M-U-C-H WISDOM!! -- SOOOOO!! The Alien Visitors PUT The ANIMALS to Learning W-I-T-H --- ""G-R-E-A-T"" Work That Took a LOT Of T-I-M-E AND W-O-R-K!!! - ((( Building Worthless Structures ))) like "Pyramids" and the "Other" STUFF THAT Gave the GREAT THINKING ANIMALS T-H-E ( "ABILITY" ) to T-H-I-N-K!!!!! ----- "HOWEVER"!! - The Animals Only Accepted the Work of Doing - TO "Satisfy" Themselves With the Things A-N-D The WAY T-H-E-Y LIKED!! --- And NOW, -- THIS World IS AS IT IS; - As the Man of Today ( Made Himself With the "WISDOM" of Aliens ). -- N-O-W the Aliens are SEEING What their ( "Students" ) HAVE DONE, AND The ( Aliens are Preparing to DO Something T-O Set Things BACK "THEIR W-A-Y" )!!!

( Just Watch AND S-E-E )!!!!

((( DO THE "W-O-R-D" MATH )))!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 052916

You'll have to have patients with Letsargue, he's spent time in a mental institution. It's true. He posted that his "church" had him committed years ago.


New member
Don't tell me to be silent.You're talking to the wrong woman if you think I'm not permitted to speak. I'll speak anytime I feel like it and I don't need YOUR permission to do so.

OOOOHHHHH I'M Sorry!! -- ((( You ""D-O"" Have Satan's Permission To Speak In "H-I-S" Church, His House, His G-R-O-U-P, His Family!!!!! )))!!!!!!!! -- (( O-K ))!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060516