ECT What the Bible says about Divorce


We should stand against divorce.

Here is the word divorce in the Bible (by a concordance): divorce <-- LINK.

Even in the case of sexual immorality it just may be that reconciliation is possible.

Even better than these is what God designed: marriage.

If people are respected one by the other in marriage, not only is there no need for divorce but we understand God's plan and how He hates divorce and stands against it!

If we know God's love, the love for the other person in a marriage will conquer all, even when that love may seem to go away. Feelings are not the measure of how things are in marriage. In marriage it is about what God has designed. This means a life-long commitment. This means that which lasts. This means standing together through thick and thin. This means safety and security in the things of God. It means, being protected by God. It means trusting in Him.

Do you know Jesus? Do you know what it is that He has done for you? Do you know what it is He has done, and if you are married do you know God desires you to stay together? Do you know that Salvation in God with Jesus as Lord and Savior, in that He died for you and for the forgiveness of your sins, means that if you are in Him you have nothing to fear?

If your marriage is shaky, God wants you to commit it to Him and love the other person the way God has loved you.

I trust you will. It just may be that God's salvation will come to you, whether in your marriage, or as His son or daughter in that marriage.

If things are tough, you are still responsible for yourself... and for the other person in the marriage as you are one in Christ, male and female. God will help you make it through and be the best example of Christ to the other person, saved or unsaved if they are. It is great to know, and even better to trust it to God when you are unsure, that talking about it or serving the other person in love will bring glory to God's name!