The Garden of Eden:


New member
The Garden of Eden was planted eastward in Eden. Eden Later became the Land of Nod, and the Land of Nod, later became the Land of Canaan.
The Garden was Planted on the same place Jerusalem Later was Built. Jesus was crucified on the same place the Flaming Sword that Turned every “WAY” was placed to keep the “WAY” of the Tree of Life.
Cain slew Abel on the Stone Out-Crop that later Abraham offered up Isaac, and later Solomon Built the Temple on the same place. That Place is the Carnal of the Spiritual Place Jesus went to build for US!!

If you cannot see this, and see the whole Truth of God dwelling in this Place of the Word of God; - (( I don’t Care ))!!! - Stay in your place and SEE when you are quickened without -- Revelation 22:15 KJV ---//---

Paul – 051613
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