Teacher Christ saves; Lord Christ destroys.



Responsibility evading heaven-fallen humanity wants devil, the lord, over them, to take over their full responsibility. We had rejected Father and fatherhood of responsibility in spiritual heaven to fall here in devil’s domain like Adam and Eve.

Even coming to Christ, we remodel him in the likeness of our worldly lord devil. Though Christ forbade calling him lord, we disobey his teaching that we are his pupils and deemed siblings. But my long brainwashed lord image of Christ took long 50 year long Christ-following, to be eradicated. He repeatedly corrected me to more endearing, intimate and true fruitful address as teacher or brother. By when conversing with other Christians I often slip again to lord address.

People prefer to call him lord as they wish to put their salvation totally in his hand as slaves totally surrender to their lords. But Christ wants to make us responsible children of Father and Co-sharer of His and Christ’s responsibilities. That true salvation we have to achieve by obeying Christ. It can’t be injected. But we follow our fallen nature to revert to slavery rejecting that responsibility. So even coming to Christ, but not understanding him we call him “Lord! Lord!”

Now lazy Christians will quote the catholic made bible that salvation is free and can’t be achieved by our own efforts. Certainly we can achieve nothing only by our own efforts but guided by teachers and parents we can. To assimilate the teachings to be able to use it properly, our own efforts are essential. So without our effort we can’t achieve anything. I can cite hundreds of verses from bible to support it. But our reason support and that settles it.

Calling him lord as nonchristians also calls their gods as lord, totally negates his mission to bring us to Father as a child. Every child is to grow up to inherit the responsibilities of parents. But a slave doesn’t grow up such. He follows his lord to suicide as proud lord devil does. Lordly proud he is sure to break up as he doesn’t stress on love which only saves by binding internally. When we say “Lord! Lord!” we take such suicide path of blind devotion, not of love.