Martyrs’ indestructible love is a standing invitation to heaven.



Kartar Singh, an Indian Sikh youth, was converted to Christ towards the end of 19th century. He was driven out of his home for that by his Sikh father. But his next shelter, the newly formed lukewarm Christian community repelled him. He left it to begin a lonely career of homeless itinerant preacher in north India’s isolated Himalayan region. Often he preached in secluded Tibet of snowy mountains braving cold, hunger and persecutions. This area is recently occupied by communist china shutting it out from the world.
His was killed in a town of Tibet by the order of the reigning Buddhist Lama of the Buddhist monastery there. There criminals were killed by a novel method of suffocation. A newly extracted skin of Tibetan cow was tightly wrapped around their body with face open and exposed in sun. As sun dries the skin, it shrinks stopping breathing. Within 5 to 6 hours it kills.
Kartar Singh was put in that Yak cow skin. His scanty belongings including his note book and gospel lay beside him. The manager of Lama was in charge of the execution process. The martyr kept witnessing for Christ as long as he could breathe. Manager and many bystanders were observing. His face shone in spiritual joy. The spectators were astounded by his forgiveness and love. The manager was so convinced of his saintliness that after burying him properly he took his books with him and studied them diligently. He became a believer and his household followed. The Lama was also impressed by manager’s witnessing. Though manager was forbidden to preach he didn’t obey. But Lama was indulgent. Some other Tibetans also believed. But they were not baptized for long as there were no Christians to do that. Outside world even the worrying repentant father and kin of Karter Singh knew nothing of the martyrdom. Surely Kartar prayed for his father but it seemed that prayer was unanswered.

Some years after, saint Sunder Singh visited that place after becoming itinerant preacher in exactly the same manner as Kartar’s. He learnt about his martyrdom from that manager who attended his preaching. He baptized him with family and other believers and instructed them for some time. Later he left and resumed his roaming preaching.
One morning he was preaching near the rail station of Punjab’s Patiala town. Many Sikhs were listening. One old patriarch was weeping copiously there. When Sunder Singh enquired, the white haired old man confessed that he was Kartar’s father. He now believed in Christ who upheld his martyr son and repented. He died in that faith.
God always answers the prayer of martyrs. The strength and beauty of the heaven inside the martyrs is an irresistible invitation to all those with eyes and ears open. Heavenly Father never bars any who accepts the invitation as the criminal beside crucified Christ was not.



New member
Just where did you find anything like that unscriptural ( Stuff ) in the ( Word of God )??????? --- It (( Ain’t )) about anyone but Jesus Christ, and any ( Fool ) that bows to some other ungodly creature is surely a (( Fool ))!!! --- It’s about Jesus Christ and His “Indestructible Love”, that is the ((( “Invitation” ))) to “Salvation”!!!!!!

How can some of you ( Bow ) to such Doctrine as that??????????

Paul – 080112


Just where did you find anything like that unscriptural ( Stuff ) in the ( Word of God )??????? --- It (( Ain’t )) about anyone but Jesus Christ, and any ( Fool ) that bows to some other ungodly creature is surely a (( Fool ))!!! --- It’s about Jesus Christ and His “Indestructible Love”, that is the ((( “Invitation” ))) to “Salvation”!!!!!!

How can some of you ( Bow ) to such Doctrine as that??????????

Paul – 080112

You don’t believe in gospel as you reject its miracles. Still you criticize others for modern interpretation of it. Yes I prefer to be fool as you called me rather than be a hypocrite self-declared pundit like you. Christ called each one of his followers to be another Christ.


New member
You don’t believe in gospel as you reject its miracles. Still you criticize others for modern interpretation of it. Yes I prefer to be fool as you called me rather than be a hypocrite self-declared pundit like you. Christ called each one of his followers to be another Christ.

It's not that I call you a fool, you acting as one, makes you one!!

Paul -- 080512