NeoNazi Saudi-Controlled NY Times Demonizes Jews and praises Muslims


New member
Yep: Handsome is as handsome does:

The NY Times has often been claimed to be "Jewish controlled" (according to Neo-Nazi morons).

But the only explanation for what the New York Times actually does,
is that they are part of the Muslim conspiracy headed by Obama and friends:

The use of a name like "Roger Cohen" is just a smokescreen for Neo-Nazi nonsense.

By: Paul Gherkin
Published: December 21st, 2015
Latest update: December 20th, 2015 print

Photo Credit: Serge Attal/Flash90

{Originally posted to the author’s website, FirstOne Through}'

Just in time for Christmas, Roger Cohen decided to write about the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict. Again.
In an article called “The Assassination in Israel that Worked,” Cohen portrayed an Israeli society overrun with religious fanatical murderers. He described the killer of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Yigal Amir, as “a religious-nationalist follower of Baruch Goldstein, the American-born killer of 29 Palestinian worshipers in Hebron in 1994.” He wrote about Jews living east of the Green Line (EGL) as obsessed with “Messianic Zionism,” at odds with the concept of democracy. Because Palestinians are desperate for their own state, Jews living in EGL make “violence inevitable” according to Cohen. He argued that the UN’s creation of Israel “was territorial compromise, as envisaged in Resolution 181 of 1947, calling for two states, one Jewish and one Arab, in the Holy Land. This was humankind’s decision, not God’s.” In short, according to Cohen, the vast Messianic cult of violence in Israel seeks all of the Holy Land, but the rights of Jews are limited to just half of the land as dictated by man’s laws.
Lastly, Cohen argued, the only way to push back against the right-wing Israelis and their government was to employ different angles of the BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) in which Obama should “close American loopholes that benefit Israeli settlers.”
Here is a bit of education for Roger Cohen (maybe the byline was wrong and this was written by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd, the loud advocate of BDS?):
A smaller percentage of Jewish “settlers” are murderers, than are terrorists which are Muslim. The Cohen opinion piece would lead a person to believe that every Jewish “settler” takes up arms against Arabs, while the reality is that almost every Jew living in the land seeks to live in peace with their Arab neighbors. Baruch Goldstein was an anomaly, not the rule.
Why would the Times print such an inflammatory piece against Jews when it is in the midst of a blitz about the dangers of “Islamophobia”? The Times wrote over-and-again that most Muslims are peaceful and that Muslim terrorist abuse the interpretation of Islamic holy texts. Yet the Times was eager to describe Jewish killers as motivated by the plain reading of the Jewish holy texts, and suggested that any Jew living in Judea and Samaria is either a potential killer, or instigates Palestinian violence.
It is untrue, unfair and reeks of hypocrisy to portray Jews in such a manner. There are almost no Jews in Judea and Samaria that committed murders, but the Times labelled all “settlers” as devout killers. Meanwhile, the global jihadist movement enlisted thousands and slaughtered thousands, and the Times rallied to the defense of Muslims.
Jews are entitled to live in EGL/ Judea and Samaria according to international law. The 1922 Mandate of Palestine by the League of Nations clearly and specifically encouraged Jews to live throughout the Holy Land, including areas now known as the “West Bank.” The Mandate included language that specified that no one should be prevented from living anywhere because of their religion.
“Messianic Zionism” may be a driving force motivating some Jewish families to move to the region, just as they might move to Haifa or Be’er Sheva. Some people are motivated by Zionism without a Messianic component, while others go for good jobs in the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. The motivation for living there is irrelevant; the right of Jews to live anywhere in the Holy Land was established in international law.
“Violence is inevitable” because Arab don’t want Jews as neighbors, not because Arabs want a state. Arabs have been killing Jews in the Holy Land for 100 years. In several episodes in the 1920s, including the brutal Hebron massacre in 1929, Arabs called for ridding the land of Jews. On the eve of the Holocaust, they launched multi-year riots (1936-9) slaughtering dozens of Palestinian Jews and convinced the British to limit Jewish immigration, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of European Jews.
Whites in the 1950s also did not want to live with black neighbors. Racism and anti-Semitism are to be condemned, not rationalized. Shame on the New York Times for defending Arab attacks on Jews.
The establishment of Israel as a Jewish State has been rejected by the Arabs for 100 years, and counting. Cohen pointed to the United Nations Partition Plan which called for creating a Jewish State in 1947. He failed to say that the Arabs REJECTED that plan. They opted to launch a war against Israel instead.
Israel has continued to seek peace with its neighboring Arab countries: Jews approved the partition plan in 1947; the country uprooted Jews living in Sinai in 1982; it handed various cities to the Palestinian Authority in 1995; it uprooted Jews from Gaza in 2005. Israel made various peace offers to the Palestinians, including in 2000 and 2008. The Palestinians reacted to each offer with wars, and continue to reject Israel as the Jewish State to this day.
One year ago, Cohen wrote Why Israeli-Palestinian Peace Failed. “ In the article, he acknowledged various Israeli peace efforts including settlement freezes and prisoner releases. In exchange for the Israeli gestures, the Palestinian Authority created a reconciliation government with the terrorist group Hamas, and joined international bodies counter to the agreed upon peace framework. The peace talks collapsed.
Cohen has now concluded that while the Palestinians suffer from ineptitude and corruption, at the end of the day, their cause is just. The Palestinians are not only despondent, but desperate for an external force to advance their vision of a state. Cohen believes that Obama should begin to advance various iterations of BDS on Jews living east of the Green Line to assure the Palestinians goal of a Jew-free state (Obama has indicated in the past that he approves of a Judenfrei Palestine). Cohen had no suggestions – or concerns – of how to make Palestinians approve of the Jewish State living in security.
The radical left-wing call for BDS of the Israeli territories is easier to make when one ignores the 99% of peaceful families living in Judea and Samaria. So Cohen, and other Israel-bashers paint all of these Jews as “Messianic Zionists” who are out of touch with reality. They are either murderers of Arabs like Baruch Goldstein, or of the peace process with Arabs like Yigal Amir.
Cohen fails two of Natan Sharansky “Three Ds” test for anti-Semitism: demonization and double standards. To rephrase the great ballad-rocker Meatloaf, Two of the Three IS Bad.

When will the Times and the left-wing fringe look at the Jewish families with an iota of the compassion they shower upon 'peaceful' Muslims?


Greg Jennings

New member
Palestinians are actually Arabs. They already have a state, it is called Saudi Arabia.

I feel like they might disagree with you there. And follow it up by pointing out that what is currently Israel was carved out of their country against their will.

It's like if someone came to your house and said that half of it now belonged to someone else. You could understand how that might ruffle some feathers, yes?


New member
This isn't the first time the Anti-Semite New York Times has published anti-Israel hate-literature.

But this consistent slant against Israelis and Jews carried out using the
phoney pseudonym "Cohen" should make it clear that
Jews DON'T control the media in America, if by Jews we mean actual Jews.

The Holocaust and the Nakba

Posted on July 20, 2014

Roger Cohen penned a piece in the New York Times Op-Ed on July 15 that suggested the pathway to peace in the Middle East is that “Jews should study the Nakba. Arabs should study the Holocaust.” Putting aside the naiveté of the suggestion, the comparison is disgusting in itself.
The Holocaust was a genocide of a people. It was a deliberate attempt of an elected government to commit genocide against a select group of its own citizens. As Nazi Germany conquered more territory, it continued to implement its plan of eradicating the Jews – which it deemed an inferior life form – in those additional lands. Not satisfied with only killing millions of innocents, the Nazis tortured and performed medical experiments on these unarmed men, women and children. It was one of the darkest periods of mankind.
The Palestinian Nakba was a civil war over control of land. Arabs in Palestine protested to the ruling authority (the British) to block the establishment of a Jewish national homeland as called for by the League of Nations (the precursor to the United Nations). The Arabs themselves initiated the fight to stop the implementation of international law, and launched multi-year riots and then a war to destroy Israel. Their Nakba was that they were not allowed to return to homes in the country they just sought to destroy.
How are these two events remotely comparable?

  • One was about life; one was about land.
  • One was about a government wiping out its citizens; one was about citizens fighting the government.
  • One was about passive unarmed civilians; one was about warring parties.
  • One left survivors scattered around the globe; one left survivors a few miles from their homes, living with the same people in a land that they wanted, which the UN had proposed to split anyway.
  • One made the United Nations call for human rights all over the world; the other had the UN create a special niche entity just for the losing party to perpetuate their civil war.
The events could not be more different. The only things they have in common is that they occurred around the same time in history and both involved Jews.
But Israel was not born from the ashes of the Holocaust and planted in the ground of a Palestinian Nakba. The only “fruit” of the Holocaust was the creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The preamble of the UDHR clearly stated that the “disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous act which have outraged the conscience of mankind,” – the sickening actions of the Holocaust created the declaration meant to benefit all mankind.
Regarding Palestine, Jewish history in the land predated the Holocaust by thousands of years. The Ottomans welcomed Jews and they moved throughout the region from 1800 to 1914 at rates that dwarfed all other groups. After the Ottoman Empire broke apart, the League of Nations sought the “establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people” in 1920, decades before WWII. The Arabs rioted in 1920 and 1929 against the action, and in 1936 began what has become a 78-year running civil war to prevent – and later eradicate – the Jewish State. The Arab “Nakba” – their grievance about homes destroyed and left behind – is because they lost the battle they initiated. The “fruit” of the Nakba was the establishment of UNRWA by the United Nations which has encouraged the Arabs to never abandon their civil war. The rotten fruit has left the Palestinians to fester and subject to abuse by their host countries, including Lebanon and Syria. It has benefited no one.
Perhaps the first person to learn about the Holocaust and the Nakba is Roger Cohen.
The Times should be reprimanded for continuing to print pieces that give legitimacy to those who compare Israel to Nazi Germany and Netanyahu to Hitler. It gives cover to anti-Semites in Europe and the world who paint the Jewish state in Nazi colors. The term “Never Again” born from the massacres of innocents in the Holocaust means more than not allowing genocides to happen again. Civilized people should not trivialize evil. For a global paper like the Times to do so specifically against the Jewish State is reprehensible.



New member
"Anti-semitism" is a something people say when they lose the debate. The NY Times dare to criticize Israel? They must be the only ones because the rest of the media and US government is entirely controlled by the Israel lobby.

Chuck Hagel got crucified in the press for saying, "I'm an American senator. Not an Israeli senator." They called him an anti-semite for stating a fact. Helen Thomas had to quit her job for making one statement criticizing Israel. This term "anti-semite" is such a phony term.

Further... The arabs are a semetic people! The arabs are anti-semites? How does that work? This fake term doesn't even makes sense. It's a great word they made up though. As soon as you stick it on someone, they will lose all credibility forever.


New member
"Anti-semitism" is a something people say when they lose the debate. The NY Times dare to criticize Israel? They must be the only ones because the rest of the media and US government is entirely controlled by the Israel lobby.

The "Jewish" lobby is undoubtedly strong.

But Don't think for a moment they have more power than
the hundreds of thousands of Nazis who were pardoned and
invited after WW2 to come and occupy key positions in government and industry
under Operation Paperclip.

And you should also keep in mind that the 'American' version of Jew
is nothing like the real Israeli right wing or ultra-orthodox.
American Jews (if we mean the wealthy lobbyists)
are all atheists and communist/socialist liberals who want to destroy all religion.

Chuck Hagel got crucified in the press for saying, "I'm an American senator. Not an Israeli senator." They called him an anti-semite for stating a fact. Helen Thomas had to quit her job for making one statement criticizing Israel. This term "anti-semite" is such a phony term.

These are sad stories if true.
Dual citizenship is a curse for the USA, and should not be allowed.
Pick just one country and stick to it.
If you switch countries once, then never again.

Further... The arabs are a semetic people! The arabs are anti-semites? How does that work? This fake term doesn't even makes sense. It's a great word they made up though. As soon as you stick it on someone, they will lose all credibility forever.

The etymology of the word is supposedly Semite = Shemite = Descendant of Shem.
That would be a third of the earth.

But nobody pays attention to etymology, only usage.

Otherwise blacksmiths would be black.

Sorry that words including labels are used pejoratively and unfairly, but hey.

We were taught that 'sticks and stones..."

What matters is not that the New York Times are 'anti-Semites' as a label.

What matters is that they plainly misrepresented the facts as proven above,
on more than one occasion, for the purpose of attacking a people and country.

When people do that to the USA you would naturally object and justifiably so.


New member
The media misrepresents and outright lies constantly. I guess I'm just not outraged when they lie because I've just accepted the fact that Faux (Fox) News, Nothing But Crap (NBC), Certainly Not News (CNN), Constant B.S. (CBS) and the rest all lie constantly.


New member
The media misrepresents and outright lies constantly. I guess I'm just not outraged when they lie because I've just accepted the fact that Faux (Fox) News, Nothing But Crap (NBC), Certainly Not News (CNN), Constant B.S. (CBS) and the rest all lie constantly.

LOL I love your acronyms


Eric h

Well-known member
The Holocaust was a genocide of a people. It was a deliberate attempt of an elected government to commit genocide against a select group of its own citizens. As Nazi Germany conquered more territory, it continued to implement its plan of eradicating the Jews – which it deemed an inferior life form – in those additional lands.

Mankind is good at genocide, The American and Canadian native Indians probably suffered more, and over hundreds of years.


New member
Mankind is good at genocide, The American and Canadian native Indians probably suffered more, and over hundreds of years.

Roger that.

the only problem is liberal revisionism.

Because when Europeans got to North America,
they found it overridden by what were essentially biker gangs, killing and raping and torturing each other.

The reason the Native peoples lost that war was that they were indeed savages.

There was no excuse however for Europeans to descend to worse savagery,
such as took place in Roman Catholic government sponsored 'schools',
which were really rape-camps for the pleasure of homosexual pedophile lawyers.


The American and Canadian native Indians probably suffered more, and over hundreds of years.
What? Please. There were like tens of thousands of them. Maybe hundreds of thousands. Nazis killed millions, and Stalin killed millions of his own.


Palestinians are natives in Palestine. Israel is native in Iraq. Anybody with an Old Testament map knows that.


New member
What? Please. There were like tens of thousands of them. Maybe hundreds of thousands. Nazis killed millions, and Stalin killed millions of his own.

While it is difficult to determine exactly how many Natives lived in North America
before Columbus, estimates range from a low of
2.1 million (Ubelaker 1976) to
7 million people
(Russell Thornton) to a high of
18 million (Dobyns 1983).

Massive Population Drop Found for Native Americans, DNA Shows

Genetic data supports accounts of decline following European contact.
By Ker Than, for National Geographic News

PUBLISHED December 05, 2011

The finding supports historical accounts that
Europeans triggered a wave of disease, warfare, and enslavement in the New World that had devastating effects for indigenous populations across the Americas.

The number of Native Americans quickly shrank by roughly half following European contact about 500 years ago, according to a new genetic study.
(Related: "Guns, Germs and Steel—Jared Diamond on Geography as Power.")

Using samples of ancient and modern mitochondrial DNA—which is passed down only from mothers to daughters—the researchers calculated a demographic history for American Indians. (Get an overview of human genetics.)

Based on the data, the team estimates that the Native American population was at an all-time high about 5,000 years ago.

The population then reached a low point about 500 years ago—only a few years after Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World and before extensive European colonization began.

Supposing a lower estimate (say 3 million),
half would be 1.5 million people
wiped out by European contact within 100 years.


While it is difficult to determine exactly how many Natives lived in North America
before Columbus, estimates range from a low of
2.1 million (Ubelaker 1976) to
7 million people
(Russell Thornton) to a high of
18 million (Dobyns 1983).

Massive Population Drop Found for Native Americans, DNA Shows

Genetic data supports accounts of decline following European contact.
By Ker Than, for National Geographic News

PUBLISHED December 05, 2011

The finding supports historical accounts that
Europeans triggered a wave of disease, warfare, and enslavement in the New World that had devastating effects for indigenous populations across the Americas.

The number of Native Americans quickly shrank by roughly half following European contact about 500 years ago, according to a new genetic study.
(Related: "Guns, Germs and Steel—Jared Diamond on Geography as Power.")

Using samples of ancient and modern mitochondrial DNA—which is passed down only from mothers to daughters—the researchers calculated a demographic history for American Indians. (Get an overview of human genetics.)

Based on the data, the team estimates that the Native American population was at an all-time high about 5,000 years ago.

The population then reached a low point about 500 years ago—only a few years after Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World and before extensive European colonization began.

Supposing a lower estimate (say 3 million),
half would be 1.5 million people
wiped out by European contact within 100 years.
Compared with literally tens of millions between Hitler and Stalin. This is a non-issue. It's also why Americans in particular know and understand the importance of the right to keep and bear arms because sometimes your faced with bears armed with bear arms. At a minimum. Wolves. Mountain lions. Coyotes. They exist. Even a rabid raccoon needs to be extinguished sometimes, that's life. Why would I volunteer to not be able to adequately defend myself and my family from a bloody rabid raccoon? What kind of world makes it hard for me to diagnose the condition and apply the professionally recommanded treatment to the unfortunate animal? Why can't I do that, as an adult human being? 'Makes no sense.