Stupider & Stupider?


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Stupider & Stupider?

This is the show from Wednesday February 27th, 2013


* Intelligence Breakdown: An article published in the scientific journal Trends in Genetics explores the incontrovertible breakdown in human intelligence that has been observed. Listen in as the article’s author and the reporter writing about it miss the obvious connection to the Biblical account of the Fall, and instead look for every other excuse to explain the phenomenon.

* The Disgusting Darren: Bob and co-host Doug McBurney report on the latest effort to “normalize” immorality as comedian / magician Darren Smith touts his latest “trick” to turn a homo straight, and vice-versa.


I identify as a Christian
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The growing stupidity of humanity is perhaps with their increasing love of stupid things--immorality and their not comprehending its connection with disease.


New member
You would probably need to be pretty stupid to believe "Genesis: The Fall" was anything more than ancient fiction.


New member
Standard pick and choose by Pastor Bob and his buddies. The short article, "Our Robust Intellect" by Kalinka, Kelava and Lewitus in Trends in Genetics March 2013, Vol 29, No. 3 pp 125-127 suggests Crabtree is wrong. But as usual the good Pastor and his friend quote mine. Anything to support the fairy tale they must continue to propose.