Distorted Truth:

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How is it that the Truth can get so distorted from the original wording of the Scriptures? – The Scriptures say what they say, and that’s what God wanted the student of the Word to believe. So how did there become so many different versions of any single doctrine of Christ or God?
Distort, distorted, distortion is not a Biblical word, but I think most people understand what that is, maybe, or maybe not. – Why would anyone deliberately distort the Word of God, or is that what’s going on here with all the difference in the doctrines of the different Churches of the same doctrines of Christ? Deliberately distort, - “DISTORT”! Isn’t the word “Distort, derived from the word, Extort, extorted, extortion? – “EXTORTION”! – Now why would anyone deliberately DESTORT the Word of God? – EXTORTION! – “EXTORTION” what else? ----- 1 Peter 5:2 KJV --- Titus 1:10-11 KJV – “Who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, FOR FILTHY LUCRE'S SAKE”. ----- We’d never find any of the modern type – “Christians” TODAY, teaching for FILTHY LUKER’S SAKE, now would we? – DISTORTION /. DISTORTED TRUTH.

Did God say in his Word to pray some sinner’s prayer and you would be saved? – Is the Bread of Life always supposed to be the little cracker with the sip of wine, as in this is my body, take, and eat? Are we always supposed to do that, or are we supposed to do the same with the Word of Christ in the New Covenant / the New Testament when it is received in full and fulfilled? – Just what causes the Words of Christ through the Apostle’s writings to get so distorted, to mean totally the opposite of what’s written? – Distortion / Extortion!

I propose a scenario: -- Let’s say we have the absolute Truth from God in writing. That Truth is distributed throughout, and everyone has a copy of this Truth from GOD. – Now, with the difference between the know-it-alls, and the totally unlearned / know-nothings; what do you suppose is going to happen with the Know-it-alls? ---- Why the KNOW-IT-ALLS are going to “EXPLAIN” God to everyone else; after all they KNOW-IT –ALL , Just ask them. – If you’ll notice I said, Know-it-alls, (with an (S). – Every Know-it-all thinks he’s wiser and smarter that any of the other Know-it-alls. So ALL those Know-it-alls, teach their great wisdom and Knowledge that is greater than all the other Know-it-alls; Thus we have all these different teachings of all those Know-it-alls that are wiser than GOD, and correct everything that can be asked by the totally unlearned / Know-nothings.
If you think your world is short of the Know-it-alls, you need to look around and check out ALL the different doctrines taught by them which are the same doctrines that are not taught by the LORD. – I can just hear the Know-it-alls now, saying, look who’s talking; a “Know-it-all”. – AAAHHHH! – There’s a difference, Christ and I agree in our Knowing-it-all. – We have the mind of Christ and we judge all things in our Knowing-it-all. -- I think that’s what GOD SAID. ----- 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 KJV ----- God did say that didn’t he? - And the Know-it-alls can’t believe it and can’t teach it, for they Know more than God or the totally unlearned / Know-nothings that do believe God and Christ. ------ AAAHHHH NOW, the Know-it-alls impose this Spiritual Correctness that it is BAAaaD to teach the things contrary to the Know-it-alls. – They’re HERETICS, and must be silenced by all means, therefore, WE HAVE THE CRUCIFIXION, and the Cross and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, thanks to all the KNOW-IT-ALLS. – End of scenario.

If Christ teaches that there is a Spirit of the Word and all the Know-it-alls disagree with Christ and will not listen to any of the Totally unlearned / Know-nothings of Christ’s that say Christ does indeed speak of the “Spirit of the Word” over the Letter of the Word, the Know-it-alls will very soon listen in the day they step outside of their bodies into hell; and with a sentence this long it must have something to say about the Know-it-alls and about them not believing Christ when the totally unlearned / Know-nothings just read from the Letter and the Spirit of the Word when Christ has given the Know-nothings the Spirit of understanding and true knowledge of the SPIRIT. HHHhhhhhhhhhhhh! --- The Know-it-alls will never listen to Christ or the totally unlearned / Know-nothings.

Paul – 090410
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