Name Calling:

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What is name-calling actually, or a name caller; - not just using the term as a byword?
Was Jesus a name-caller when he called the Scribes and Pharisees “Hypocrites”? ----- Matthew 23:13-14 KJV - Matthew 23:33-34 KJV –

Maybe most of you haven’t studied the Scriptures enough, or correctly, in order for you to judge anything, much less someone who is reading the Scriptures to you. – The Lost and the ungodly are famous for unjust name-calling of God, and the Lord’s people from the beginning till now. ------ Job 30:9-10 KJV –

The Christian cannot name-call, - it’s impossible for him, as much as it’s impossible for Jesus Christ to call someone a fool in name-calling. --- It’s not name-calling if the person spoken of is what is referred to. A hypocrite is not called a hypocrite because he is not a hypocrite, but because he is a hypocrite. --- It would be name-calling to call a Christian a hypocrite; and it would be name-calling to call an Atheist, a Christian. – Name-calling is telling a lie about someone. It’s not name-calling to tell the truth about someone no matter how vile the term is. – If a person is a liar, - is it name-calling to call the liar a liar? -- It would be a lie and name-calling to call an innocent and honest person a liar, when he has not lied.
Unjust name-calling is by necessity from a dishonest and vile heart. -- The revealing of who the hypocrites and liars are is by necessity from a good, honest, and fearless heart. – Prove that wrong before you go any farther!

We, or to say, YOU have a big problem in this. – A Christian is a Christian, and nothing but a Christian. – So, to call a Christian a Catholic is name-calling and is a lie. - So it is, to call a Mormon a Christian is name-calling and is a lie. A Mormon is a Mormon, a Catholic is a Catholic, and a Christian is a Christian. -- There is no such thing as a Catholic Baptist, or a Mormon Catholic, or a Baptist Catholic Christian. -- There are JUST CHRISTIANS, AND THE LOST!

What is one of the first “FALSE” Christian Church “TYPES” mentioned in Prophesy in the Old Testament? -- Try this: ---- Proverbs 7:6-27 KJV ----- Most of you say that that is just a story of an harlot and a weak person being caught up in her whoredom. - But NO! – That’s God speaking through the lips of King Solomon, prophesying of what became what is called the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is supposed to have been started with Simon Peter, the first Pope, which is a LIE and name-calling. That Catholic Church was started with Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ. - Mary was a Sadducee and not a Pharisee. Every Christian who ever was and is; - is a Pharisee, never a Sadducee. – Pharisees and Sadducees are the same as the saved and the lost. Mary was Lost, and was in the beginning of the founding of the Catholic Church. ----- Luke 2:35 KJV ----- The Catholic Church is the Body of their Christ which is Christ’s mother, and their Christ is the head of that Body; which is a false Christ’s Body. - The Catholic type Christians make up their body of Christ which is Mary the Mother, the Church. -- Screwed up? -- Yes! -- But not name-calling, just saying what the false Christians are.
The true Christians are the Body of Christ, the Wife of Christ, and she had a name while Jesus lived. - She loved Jesus and Jesus loved her and she was his sister / half sister, and they were espoused to each other and not married; the same as Jesus’ parents; Joseph and Mary. ----- Song of Solomon 4:9-10 KJV ----- Notice any name-calling will be done on your side, not mine, even though I used several names here. Your name-calling will be strictly from an antichrist heart, and not from any knowledge and wisdom of a Christian heart.

Only the fool-hearted, or the lost call someone a name that is not truly who they are. – Mistakenly calling someone a name is a sin and must be forgiven if asked. However, that is not going to happen these days. --- There we have Spiritual Correctness in play, and not true Christian behavior.
Many of you have called my Threads and Posts, “RANTINGS”, - that I RANT, - speaking loudly and WILD! -- If I rant, then Jesus was the greatest loud and wild speaker of all time. - Jesus was also a “RANTER”, ranting about everything his Father commanded him. - You-all have imposed the greatest SPIRITUAL CORRECTNESS upon the Christian since before the Crucifixion.

( I will now speak in the Spirit ), - and none of you will understand my RANTINGS! -- Therefore, --( I, that is I will hold you to all your “POLITICAL AND SPIRITUAL CORRECTNESS”. ---- The judgment of you and your governments will be based upon your Political and Spiritual Correctness; you will live and suffer them, And, there is none of you, no not one, who will not stand before me / ”ME” and SEE. – You will not be able to RAPTURE yourselves from the coming judgment, and I will prevail against you and all your Churches, and non-churches. – I was, I M, and I will be! ) ---- In the Spirit or not in the Spirit, it makes no difference, the Truth is still the Truth, and you are being judged NOW! ----- 1 Corinthians 2:15 - KJV ----- That is the Correct Spirit, not Spiritual Correctness.

Again, - it cannot be said that Jesus was a name-caller, no matter what he said a lost fool was. Jesus called the hypocrites, -“Hypocrites”, and he also called the children of the Devil; “Serpents and Snakes” because that’s who they were. They were the children of the Serpent the Devil. ---- Revelation 20:2 KJV ----- Use your great Christian Knowledge and Wisdom, and call me a Blasphemer, a HERETIC, a Fool, an Idiot, or anything that reveals what YOU are. – But you can’t call me a Christian, PAUL, Brother, or Angel, or Son of Man. You haven’t the Truth of Knowledge. ----- Luke 18:8 KJV ----- Does that say Jesus Christ, or Christ, or The Son of God, or God? – NO! - It says the “Son of MAN”, and my earthly father was a “MAN”. – Are any of you a Christian, and a SON OF MAN SENT / “SENT” - to instruct, to reprove, rebuke, exhort, and to correct? ----- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV ----- NO! – You-all are sent by your father the Devil to impose POLITICAL AND “SPIRITUAL CORRECTNESS”; and to give names to every New and clean creature of the New EARTH, -- and Heaven. --- Check that out wise ones!

Again, you’ll never prove me wrong in any of this. You will only call me names that you see yourselves being, and blame me for your foolishness. – That’s who you are!

Paul – 090110
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