Hello from long-time Christian, new here!


New member
Hello, all! Came across the site looking at information about an article, and happy to locate a Christian forum, where we can discuss the issues. Haven't seen this one before, and hoping for good things!

About me....married, mom, grandmother. Kids widely ranged in age, and in fact, smallest is a day older than the oldest grandchild. So, have some perspective regarding various ages, etc. Was a single mom for a time, too, so can relate there. Raised in a time when morals mattered, and people had respect for their elders. Was blessed to have a Baptist deacon for a granddaddy, and thus learned about the Savior very young. Never anything forced, never told I HAD TO believe a certain way, just shown, through love, what it all meant.

I am very pro-life, pretty conservative on the issues, and try to stay informed about political matters. Former military (peacetime), which I quit to be a mother, married to a soldier now. I love discussing things with people, and can handle comparing different opinions, but I have little tolerance for rude behavior. I also don't have to agree with you on all issues to support you when I feel you are right. Very protective of family and friends, and very concerned about my country these days. Willing to listen of you have something you need to get off your chest, and offer what advice I am able.

My faith isn't complicated. Bible-believing Christian, who knows that Jesus is God. I have friends that don't believe, and I love them as much as those that do. I don't approve of immoral activity, but I understand people fail. I certainly have in the past, and I won't reject a person just because they have. I might offer some advice, some counsel, but in love.

I do have strong opinions on some issues, and I am sure that will cause some to dislike me. Seen that before, and that's alright. Just know that if I disagree, my goal isn't to "be right", but to try and show people the truth. No, not because I am just that nice (I am actually pretty impatient on my own!), but because loving others is what we are supposed to do. God's been patient with me, so I can at least try to show that to other people.

Well, enough about me. Looking forward to learning more about all of you.


New member
Hello, all! Came across the site looking at information about an article, and happy to locate a Christian forum, where we can discuss the issues. Haven't seen this one before, and hoping for good things!

About me....married, mom, grandmother. Kids widely ranged in age, and in fact, smallest is a day older than the oldest grandchild. So, have some perspective regarding various ages, etc. Was a single mom for a time, too, so can relate there. Raised in a time when morals mattered, and people had respect for their elders. Was blessed to have a Baptist deacon for a granddaddy, and thus learned about the Savior very young. Never anything forced, never told I HAD TO believe a certain way, just shown, through love, what it all meant.

I am very pro-life, pretty conservative on the issues, and try to stay informed about political matters. Former military (peacetime), which I quit to be a mother, married to a soldier now. I love discussing things with people, and can handle comparing different opinions, but I have little tolerance for rude behavior. I also don't have to agree with you on all issues to support you when I feel you are right. Very protective of family and friends, and very concerned about my country these days. Willing to listen of you have something you need to get off your chest, and offer what advice I am able.

My faith isn't complicated. Bible-believing Christian, who knows that Jesus is God. I have friends that don't believe, and I love them as much as those that do. I don't approve of immoral activity, but I understand people fail. I certainly have in the past, and I won't reject a person just because they have. I might offer some advice, some counsel, but in love.

I do have strong opinions on some issues, and I am sure that will cause some to dislike me. Seen that before, and that's alright. Just know that if I disagree, my goal isn't to "be right", but to try and show people the truth. No, not because I am just that nice (I am actually pretty impatient on my own!), but because loving others is what we are supposed to do. God's been patient with me, so I can at least try to show that to other people.

Well, enough about me. Looking forward to learning more about all of you.

A whole-hearted welcome to TOL! I hope you find this place as interesting, informative and lively as most of us do.
You may encounter incivility at times. It seems to go with the territory. But it is outweighed by genuine kindness and friendliness from most of us.
You will find persons of similar interests just waiting to be engaged! Blessings

King cobra

Green eyes are the BEST!!
Oh, and all that other stuff sounds pretty good too.
Welcome...sounds like you'll fit right in.


Hall of Fame
to TOL, LadyGreenEyes!


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Judging by what I have read in your OP I think you will fit in nicely here Ladygreeneyes, so welcome to TOL. Here are a couple of posts on how to survive on TOL they are good advice.

My Top Twenty for Surviving on TOL, in no particular order:

1. Pay for a subscription every year or more ;)
2. Don’t take the bait—ignore those that continue to annoy and/or provoke you
3. Start your threads with descriptive titles
4. Don’t tug on Superman’s cape—respect the Admins/Mods
5. Review a thread before jumping in so you understand the topic and contexts
6. Do your homework and get to know your opponent—review their previous posts
7. Cast pearls wisely, as the entrenched are not worth much effort, 2 John 1:10-11
8. Quote posts accurately—forging quotes is dishonest and a sure sign of desperation
9. Learn how to post content and get familiar with BBcode
10. Engendering strife is not Biblical, Phil. 1:15; 2:3; 2 Tim. 2:22-26; James 3:14, 16
11. Offer correction Biblically, per Galatians 6:1; 1 Peter 3:15-16
12. Don’t make drive-by posts just to get noticed or increase post counts
13. No gamesmanship—if you have a point, make it—versus asking vague questions hoping for a “gotcha!”
14. Never draw first blood in a discussion—mud slung first is ground lost
15. Be a good steward of your gifts and time—not everyone deserves it and you are not obligated to give it unworthily, Romans 12:6-8, Ephesians 5:15-17; Psalm 90:12; Isaiah 49:4
16. This is a discussion site, not a blog—master the difference
17. Confrontation is not a bad thing (but see #10 and 11 above), Ezekiel 33:6; 2 John 1:7-8
18. Obey the rules and get to know the biases of the management
19. Keep your post on point and try to keep its length manageable
20. Before you act, pass the “glorify God” litmus test, Romans 11:36; 1 Corinthians 10:31; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Philippians 4:8

As to the second part of the question, I will just say that those that have not or won't survive, typically trip over not a few of the above.


and of course there is Stripe's list of predictions of those who don't... :chuckle:

It's all in the choice of username and avatar. :)

There are a few guidelines:
Anyone with a number in their name is probably a whacko.
Four letters and three digits = banned in record time.
Guys with chicks in their avatars - weird.
Name too long - flames out.
Name too short - never gets noticed.
Animal names and avatars are to be avoided.
Those using God's names tend to be fairly ephemeral as do those who use their own name or occupation.
Changing username once is a good indicator of a stable user.

As always - beware the exceptions!

To be safe, stick with 5-6 letters, one word, no numbers, add a letter after a while, nothing declaring a religious affiliation, personal details or employment.


Either way enjoy your time here at TOL. :thumb:


New member
Thanks, all! Love the survival advice list, and have already seen there are some great people here! Plan to see me around awhile. Unless we all go home, of course!


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Welcome to TOL. I have already found your threads and posts interesting and informative.

I too have green eyes and I am US Navy retired.