Search results

  1. Freedm

    ECT The Name Israel

    Jacob was Initially given the name Israel by God himself in Genesis 32:28 after he struggled with God in a dream. The word Israel is a combination of two other words; (misra) and the (El). El being the common abbreviation of Elohim, which means God. When El is used at the end of a name it...
  2. Freedm

    ECT Tithing: Is it Biblical?

    Tithing. Is it Biblical? I’m going to get right to the point. Tithing as we know it today, in the modern church, is not biblical. Giving, out of the goodness of your heart, is of course biblical, but this is not the same thing as tithing the way the churches expect you to tithe, nor the way...
  3. Freedm

    What are the rules here?

    I read and agreed to the terms of service when I signed up but there was surprisingly little there, so I just want to make sure that if there are further rules that I know what those are. Every forum site has different rules and tolerances and specifically Christian sites tend to have a very...