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My Book on the Trinity

My Book on the Trinity


My book was just completed only a couple of weeks ago. I've been in the midst of the arduous process of editing the first draft. I am still sanding down the rough edges and polishing it up. This may take a while (especially since learning never ceases).
In any case, when my book is eventually published and made readily available, I will most likely post the title and other relevant information somewhere on this forum. -BJ




My book was just completed only a couple of weeks ago. I've been in the midst of the arduous process of editing the first draft. I am still sanding down the rough edges and polishing it up. This may take a while (especially since learning never ceases).
In any case, when my book is eventually published and made readily available, I will most likely post the title and other relevant information somewhere on this forum. -BJ


Would you be able to divuldge with whom you most agree? JWs, CDs, etc..?

God bless


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To AVmetro

To AVmetro


Strangely enough, I have yet to find a group that believes everything I do. Christadelphians come closer than anyone I have seen, but they still believe in too many things that I don't (such as the necessity of a literal baptism). Currently, I am questioning the nature of heaven and "hell" (I seriously doubt that it is a place of eternal torment, and I also don't believe that we have souls that separate from our dead bodies to go one place or the other...that is an obvious Hellenistic thought and not a Hebrew one). I am also questioning the nature of "Satan" (whether or not he/it is a person or our sinful nature personified in the Scriptures).
The Trinity was the first issue I seriously questioned about my southern baptist background. I tried to defend it, but I I became frustrated since most of the verses I could rely on were either

(1) Mysteriously worded (ex., "And the Word was with God and the Word was God" and "Before Abraham was, I am."),

(2) Questionably translated (ex., Romans 9:5 among others),

(3) A contradiction of other more explicit statements (ex., John 17:3, John 20:17),

(4) Or an interpretation that is ignorant of Hebraic idioms and/or the original language (ex., What we mean by "God" as English speakers is not necessarily what Hebrews meant by "elohim" and "theos")

If there are any questions regarding anything, I'll be glad to answer them. -BJ
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Blessed beyond measure
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I wondered if we could get some idea as to when the next battle will begin. I didn't know if maybe this being a bad time of year it was going to be put off until the begining of next year.

For what it's worth, I would like to see a debate on 1013's suggestion of one obtaining salvation outside the reach of the gospel.

It seems as though there have been some other good suggestions also.


New member
I wondered if we could get some idea as to when the next battle will begin. I didn't know if maybe this being a bad time of year it was going to be put off until the begining of next year.
If I do a BR with asi66, which may or may not happen depending the decision of higher powers (although I really want it to), it could not begin until January 10 or so because I would not be in town till then.

But the delay would be just long enough for the suspense to mount and mount . . . .:thumb:


Hello ais88 and God bless-
If there are any questions regarding anything, I'll be glad to answer them.

Thanks for the response. What do you believe concerning Christ's pre-existence [being you lean toward CDism]? Secondly, what books have you read along the lines of 'anti-Trinitarianism'? Greg Stafford, Anthony Buzzard, etc...

God bless--Jeremiah


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I don't see Jesus having any antenatal existence any more than I do (compare John 17:5 with 1 Timothy 1:9 and Revelations 13:8). Such preexistence is in the mind and will of God.

I have read Buzzard and Hunting's "The Doctrine of the Trinity, Christianity's Self-Inflicted Wound." I have also read some of Buzzard's essays. I find some of his arguments weak while others I feel are quite strong. (I'd give it a four out of five)

Most of the extra-biblical reading I have done on the Trinity was written by Trinitarians. Remember that my initial goal was to defend the doctrine (I was raised southern baptist). A great deal of these writers' arguments are fallacious or have too many holes in them (Robert Morey and Robert Sumner come to mind).

Essentially, my objective has been to seek the honest truth. I have no axe to grind. I have compared the Trinity with Scripture and I simply don't see it. As Paul wrote:

1 Thessalonians 5:20-21: Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Thanks for writing,


I'm just curious, how many people actually read the Battle Royales all the way through without skimming? :confused:


Wielder of the Flame of Arnor
I'd like to throw my hat into the ring for a BR. I tend to go for stuff dealing with the Attributes of God, e.g.:

1. Supralapsarian vs. Arminian or OV views of the decrees (restricted to it relation to God's character)

Although I could venture in General Theology on:

-Is the Law a unity vs Civil, Moral and Cultic (Arguing for the unity of the Law)

-Is the Law applicable to Christians? (For the affirmative, if correctly understood). This is one I would rather like to argue for.


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Haven't we done this before? ;)

Besides, I would love to see you trounce someone in a law battle. For that matter, I am not up for a BR in quite some time, since I already had one. I just want to keep my name around, not that I would mind redoing our old rivalry.


Wielder of the Flame of Arnor
True. This is one battle we have been having for nigh on three years, and it is the one thing that gets our blood boiling towards each other! Besidees Jaltus refuses to abstain from Broccoloi ;)

So I rescend my earlier agreement


Blessed beyond measure
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I can't believe that as of yet there have been no BRs on:

Is God outside of Time?
Does God change?
When did the Body of Christ begin?
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