Impeachment hearings are having an effect

The Barbarian

A new poll revealed that 70 percent of Americans believe President Donald Trump's request for an investigation into a political rival was wrong, prompting the poll results to become a trending topic on Twitter Monday.

The poll, released by
ABC News and Ipsos, asked if Americans felt that Trump's request to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy was wrong. Of those polled, 51 percent felt that Trump was wrong and should be removed from office, while 19 percent said that the US president was wrong but should retain his elected position.

The conversation between Trump and Zelenskiy, where the US president asked that Ukraine investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, and Biden's son Hunter, sparked an ongoing impeachment investigation into Trump's actions.

The survey from ABC News and Ipsos Poll was conducted on November 16 and 17, among 506 adults. ABC News reported that 58 percent of respondents were following the impeachment hearings "very or somewhat" closely.

The slow movement toward impeachment continues with a majority now favoring removing him from office. Even more worrisome for Trump, 70% of American think he acted improperly in pressuring Ukraine to cooperate with him to get dirt on his political opponent.