Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

LOL...(this guy kills me). So the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement down deep inside is "passionate" and let me guess, like disco, their movement too will fade away?

Talking about the sleepy, neutral, lukewarm, complacent religious people, like yourself - those who allowed us to get to this point ------ you first class idiot. :madmad:

And here I thought that due to their "compassion", organizations like Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Human Rights Campaign, GLSEN, GLAAD, etc. etc. were going to close up shop.

Yes, Christians without a doubt have been apathetic, allowing you godless secular humanists to get where you are today.

Tell me: Do you believe that the LGBTQueer movement will become complacent (cruising public toilets for anonymous sex and staking out elementary school playgrounds for "recruits" fulltime instead of a few hours a day) and the movement to restore decency will hit them so hard that they didn't even see it coming?


Originally Posted by Quetzal
As the coming generations become more liberal and progressive, I find this highly unlikely.

History moves in a saeculum. It revolves along expansive and conservative cycles. It is not linear.

On a side note: Ask Quetzal why he continues to post in a thread where he's put it's author on ignore (I have to hand it to Que, he knows his limitations when it comes to challenging the truth about homosexuality).


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

LOL...(this guy kills me). So the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement down deep inside is "passionate" and let me guess, like disco, their movement too will fade away?

And here I thought that due to their "compassion", organizations like Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Human Rights Campaign, GLSEN, GLAAD, etc. etc. were going to close up shop.

Yes, Christians without a doubt have been apathetic, allowing you godless secular humanists to get where you are today.

Tell me: Do you believe that the LGBTQueer movement will become complacent (cruising public toilets for anonymous sex and staking out elementary school playgrounds for "recruits" fulltime instead of a few hours a day) and the movement to restore decency will hit them so hard that they didn't even see it coming?
Right, that's me: a secular humanist. :wave2: :mock:

I think what will hit them, and not only them, will be an abrupt change due to global economic collapse and war, which will change the atmosphere suddenly.


Before I start the detailed segment on Education (the history of public education in the US, how the secular humanist movement took it over, the importance of public education and how people of decency can get it back), I wanted to share some current articles as well as a few that were written while I was on my month + hiatus from this now 4 part thread.

It appears that due to some internet hackers, the marital infidelity of millions of adulterers can be viewed by the world. It's ironic that some hackers are the good guys in this incident, and a government that allows these immoral acts (by decriminalizing adultery decades ago) are the bad guys (it goes back to that "right to privacy" that I spoke about in the OP and a couple of posts ago).

Five Lessons From The Hacking Of An Adultery Website

By Dr. Michael Brown

August 20, 2015

After making threats for weeks, anonymous hackers have released the private information of millions of users of the Ashley
Madison website, billed as the “most successful website for finding an affair and cheating partners” and boasting that it is “the world’s leading married dating service for discreet encounters.”

So much for being discreet.

What lessons can we learn from the release of millions of names of users looking for adulterous hookups?

1) Sooner or later, your sin will find you out (Numbers 32:23)...

2) Nothing is hidden from God...

3) It pays to live clean...

4) Be quick to repent...

5) God's Word is eternally relevant...

Read the article in it's entirety: http://barbwire.com/2015/08/20/1000-5-lessons-from-the-hacking-of-an-adultery-website/

Remember those words, they make a lot of sense.

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New member
Yes, and people who feel homosexual (I'll grant that this isn't a choice) have a choice whether to engage in those perverted acts or not, and if they do choose to engage the Bible says that deserves death.

Thus, the bible should be ignored as the concepts of morality it espouses to are barbaric and clearly the work of stone age savages, not some kind of loving and moral deity.


Thus, the bible should be ignored as the concepts of morality it espouses to are barbaric and clearly the work of stone age savages, not some kind of loving and moral deity.
Bronze age, not stone age. Any atheist who criticizes God usually is some poor dumb anti-theist begging for attention.


New member
The LGBTQueer movement has made momentous gains since I started this now 4 part thread just over 3 years ago:

The military: Instead of focusing on a strategy to defeat ISIS and Islamic terrorism in general, the Obama administration concentrated on allowing proud and unrepentant homosexuals into the military. With the repeal of DADT, some of these sexually deranged people are holding high ranks (Brigadier General Randy S.Taylor introduced his 'husband' at the Pentagon's 2015 Gay Pride event).


If that doesn't scare the holy jihad out of the Muslim barbarians, the Pentagon is heavily weighing in on allowing cross dressing/genital mutilated transsexuals to openly serve in the US armed forces.


The Boy Scouts: Not only has the US military allowed proud and unrepentant homosexuals into their ranks, one of our country's largest youth mentor organizations, the Boy Scouts of America which was founded on biblical doctrine, just over 2 years ago allowed 'gay' (sexually confused) youth into their organization.

Since pedophilia/pederasty was a huge problem in the Boy Scout organization (as it was in the Catholic Church due to liberal policies allowing homosexuals into the priesthood), it made perfectly good sense to ban homosexual adults from mentoring youth, which amongst other things kept innocent young boys safe from sexual predators in venues like overnight campouts. Throwing common sense out the proverbial window, the Boy Scouts of America in July of 2015 put huge smiles on the faces of the 'Man/Boy Love" faction of the LGBTQueer movement and voted to allow adult homosexual leaders into the organization.


Marriage: With the invaluable institution of marriage limping along due to the decriminalization of adultery, cohabitation laws and the legislation of no-fault divorce decades ago, all of the pawns were in place to mock God's institution of marriage even more by the LGBTQueer movement. The US Supreme Court, following in the footsteps of the 1973 Roe v Wade decision, in late June of 2015 ruled in Obergefell v Hodges amongst other things that "the right to privacy" gave two people of the same sex the constitutional right to marry.


In Part 4 I'll review some past subjects that were discussed in Part's 1, 2 and 3 (Link to Part 3 of "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!")

I will continue to discuss current topics as they come up, and will go into detail other areas that haven't been covered extensively (Education, pedophilia/pederasty, 'gay' Christianity, African AIDS hoax, Transgender movement, etc.). I'll continue to promote therapy for sexually confused youth and adults alike, using their own testimonies to see that change is possible, as the LGBTQueer movement is doing everything it can do to ban therapy that has helped enormous numbers of men, women and youth leave homosexuality behind.

With yet another important election coming up in 2016, I'll show how people who want to return to a society that embraces decency can get involved in the political process at the grass roots level to help nominate and get God fearing men and women elected to public office (and get their friends and like minded church congregates involved as well).

While I'll continue to post a table of contents every 20+ pages, I'm also adding an extensive index which will allow the readers of this thread to click on direct links to things like disease, disorders and early death: "D"; homosexual "culture": pride parades, film festivals, etc. "C"; causes of homosexual desires: "C", Pedophilia/Pederasty: "P", LGBTQueer bigotry, intolerance, tyranny and terror tactics: "T", and the indoctrination of youth: "Y".

I'll be adding links frequently, so come back to page 1 to check for updates.

While the prognosis for turning things around currently looks grim, remember that it took decades for the sexual anarchist movement to get where they are today, and never forget:

"With God, all things are possible".

In other words, gay soldiers are fighting for aCultureWarrior's rights even while he fights to eliminate theirs. Those are real heros.


Regarding the OP and allowing homosexuals (and soon trannsexuals) to serve in the military:

In other words, gay soldiers are fighting for aCultureWarrior's rights even while he fights to eliminate theirs. Those are real heros.

I went into detail in Part 1 why homosexuals (i.e. people who have severe mental health problems) weren't allowed and shouldn't be allowed to serve in the military (we saw what happened when homosexual Adolf Hitler and his homosexual SS thugs were in power in Germany).

Elaine Donnelly, the President of the Center for Military Readiness has many articles on how homosexuals disproportionately sexually assault fellow soldiers, etc.


Speaking of the military: I see that our new military is turning women into killing machines, something that should concern any civilized society.

Two US soldiers become symbols of new generation of female fighters (become Army Rangers)
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The Horn

Gay people are NOT a "threat " to the US military or the military in any country anywhere . They have been serving openly in the Israeli military and all over Europe for many years , and this has not caused
any difficulty at all there .
Why would Israel allow gays to serve openly in its military if they would cause problems ? They have to have a top notch military in order to protect themselves . They do, and gays have caused them zero problems .
Gay men have served in the military everywhere on earth from the very beginning , and there has never been a war in which they did not serve . Of course, they kept their homosexual identity to themselves and bothered no one .
Many gay soldiers, sailors and airmen have fought with great valor and done great service to their countries .
But unfortunately, the US military has discharged many perfectly good soldiers and other military personnel who had done nothing improper merely because they happened to be gay . This is an outrage !


New member
Gay people are NOT a "threat " to the US military or the military in any country anywhere . They have been serving openly in the Israeli military and all over Europe for many years , and this has not caused
any difficulty at all there .
Why would Israel allow gays to serve openly in its military if they would cause problems ? They have to have a top notch military in order to protect themselves . They do, and gays have caused them zero problems .
Gay men have served in the military everywhere on earth from the very beginning , and there has never been a war in which they did not serve . Of course, they kept their homosexual identity to themselves and bothered no one .
Many gay soldiers, sailors and airmen have fought with great valor and done great service to their countries .
But unfortunately, the US military has discharged many perfectly good soldiers and other military personnel who had done nothing improper merely because they happened to be gay . This is an outrage !
What do you mean it's not causing problems? Don't you realize that when people spend time around the people we are trying to convince them are scum that they realize that gay people are human beings? And how are we going to convince them that murdering gay people is acceptable once they realize gay people are human beings!? What do you think people will do if/when they take a long hard look at what our book says about gay people? This could ruin our magic based hate group and then how are we going to convince them to vote for people that want to decrease taxes on billionaires when they already pay half the tax rate of the middle class? We need that hate. It's only a matter of time before people realize that pro growth economics is just a re-branding of trickle down economics!


Gay people are NOT a "threat " to the US military or the military in any country anywhere...

Pentagon Social Policies Increase Military Sexual Assaults

Reports of sexual assault in all branches of the service have increased by 22% since FY 2007. (SAPRO Report for FY 2011, April 2012, Exhibit 3, p. 34)
•Violent attacks and rapes in the Army have nearly doubled since 2006, rising from 663 in 2006 to 1,313 last year. (Army Gold Book, Figure 111-25, p. 121).
•A "chilling trend" of violent sex crime is growing at an average rate of 14.6 percent per year, and the rate is accelerating. (Army Gold Book, p. 122)
•From 2006 through 2011, sex crimes in the active-duty Army have trended upward with a 28% increase in the offense rate and a 20% increase in offenders. Females are only 14% of the force but 95% of all sex crime victims. (Army Gold Book, p. 121)
•Contrary to premature claims about successful repeal of the 1993 law regarding homosexual conduct, male sexual assault victims have increased significantly, from 10% in FY 2010 to 14% in restricted reports, and 12% in unrestricted reports. (SAPRO Report for FY 2011, p. 60, Exhibit 26, and p. 53, Exhibit 15.)
•In 2010 and 2011, the Navy found it necessary to fire ship captains, executive officers, and senior enlisted officers at rates approaching two per month, most often for reasons of sexual misconduct. There is no effective strategy for reversing the trend.


"Chilling Trend" of Sexual Assault in the Military

"Reports of male sexual assaults increased 181 percent over fiscal years 2009-


They have been serving openly in the Israeli military and all over Europe for many years , and this has not caused
any difficulty at all there ...

Senate Testimony: European Militaries Are Not Role Models for U.S.

What do you mean it's not causing problems? Don't you realize that when people spend time around the people we are trying to convince them are scum that they realize that gay people are human beings?...

You must realize that the vast majority of people who engage in homosexual behavior were either raped as a child, or grew up in a dysfunctional home, thus creating major psychological problems later in life if not addressed earlier.

Causes of homosexual attraction:

What causes homosexual desire and can it be changed?

Childhood experiences of homosexual men: Fathers and Sons

Sexual Abuse: A Major Cause Of Homosexuality?

Most sexual offenders were sexually abused as children; 40% to 80% of pedophiles were raped as a child

To same-sex attracted boys: wait

Homosexual child molesters caught on tape (Ryan Sorba investigation)

Personal testimonies:
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The Horn

I don't buy these stories abo0ut gay military personnel casuing problems. In fact, it's much more likely for gay military personel to be the VICTIMS of homophobic hate crimes .


I don't buy these stories abo0ut gay military personnel casuing problems. In fact, it's much more likely for gay military personel to be the VICTIMS of homophobic hate crimes .

I'm not here to 'sell' homosexual activists anything De Horn, I'm here to show people who believe in decency the truth and what needs to be done to restore traditional family values in our once great nation.

The Horn

Bigotry aganst gay people, wanting them to be persecuted and denied rights, is anything but "decency ".
Hitler thought his murderous hatred of Jews was "decency ", and so do the KKK .


Bigotry aganst gay people, wanting them to be persecuted and denied rights, is anything but "decency ".
Hitler thought his murderous hatred of Jews was "decency ", and so do the KKK .

Helping sexually and morally confused people through righteous laws is an act of love De Horn. When I update the "Disease, Disorders and Early Death" section in the index on page 1, you'll see that those who promote homosexuality really are the haters (I could also talk more about the LGBTQueer movement's HATRED of EX homosexuals, but been there, done that).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Is it just me or is part IV of this ongoing pompous soapbox/train wreck just the same repetitive crap rehashed from parts I, II and III?

Get out more Connie, might do you good.


New member
Regarding the OP and allowing homosexuals (and soon trannsexuals) to serve in the military:

I went into detail in Part 1 why homosexuals (i.e. people who have severe mental health problems) weren't allowed and shouldn't be allowed to serve in the military (we saw what happened when homosexual Adolf Hitler and his homosexual SS thugs were in power in Germany).

Elaine Donnelly, the President of the Center for Military Readiness has many articles on how homosexuals disproportionately sexually assault fellow soldiers, etc.


Speaking of the military: I see that our new military is turning women into killing machines, something that should concern any civilized society.

Two US soldiers become symbols of new generation of female fighters (become Army Rangers)


You find a few "homosexuals" that did bad things and that sheds light on all of them?

How about Mr. Josh Dugger? You defended him a few months ago. Now he has come out as not only a molester, but a porn watcher, and cheater. . .


If Hitler and a select few others make homosexuals horrible people, does Dugger and a few other Christians make all Christians horrible people too?

Or are you a hypocrite like your buddy Josh?


Is it just me or is part IV of this ongoing pompous soapbox/train wreck just the same repetitive crap rehashed from parts I, II and III?

Get out more Connie, might do you good.

Welcome back Art, I was hoping you'd bring your better half along (where's Al?).

And yes, some of the older stuff is being reviewed along with new information that comes up pretty much daily (the LGBTQueer crowd is always doing something perverse that needs to be shared with the world). Not to worry though, there will be new segments that you loyal old time followers of the thread hadn't viewed before.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I went into detail in Part 1 why homosexuals (i.e. people who have severe mental health problems) weren't allowed and shouldn't be allowed to serve in the military (we saw what happened when homosexual Adolf Hitler and his homosexual SS thugs were in power in Germany).

Elaine Donnelly, the President of the Center for Military Readiness has many articles on how homosexuals disproportionately sexually assault fellow soldiers, etc.


Speaking of the military: I see that our new military is turning women into killing machines, something that should concern any civilized society...

You find a few "homosexuals" that did bad things and that sheds light on all of them?

I used homosexual Adolf Hitler and his homosexual SS thugs as an example of what happens when mentally disturbed/sexually damaged people are allowed into the military. I also linked articles from the Center for Military Readiness showing what has happened since proud and unrepentant homosexuals have been allowed to serve in the US Military (sexual assaults have skyrocketed amongst other things).

How about Mr. Josh Dugger? You defended him a few months ago. Now he has come out as not only a molester but a porn watcher, and cheater. . .

If Duggar's immoral lifestyle has carried into adulthood as reports suggest, he is in serious need of psychological and spiritual counseling.

Of course if Josh Duggar's was proud of cheating on his wife, that wouldn't be an issue with the secular humanist movement. As before, the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement only use the Duggar's as a smoke screen to cover up their own immoral behaviors.

If Hitler and a select few others make homosexuals horrible people, does Dugger and a few other Christians make all Christians horrible people too?

Duggar's and anyone who struggles with immoral behavior, or as the LGBTQueer movement does, proudly embraces it, are all in need of God and His wisdom and grace.

Or are you a hypocrite like your buddy Josh?

As Selwyn Duke wrote in his epic article entitled "When Hypocrisy is a Good Thing" :

"Lest I be misunderstood, my title is somewhat figurative; hypocrisy isn't really a good state, but it can be the lesser of two evils. Sure, we should strive to elect politicians of strong moral fiber and I certainly think we can do better than Larry Craig, Barney Frank and Gerry Studds. But I do know this: I'd rather have a politician propositioning in a bathroom than proposing policy that turns the whole country into a bathroom."

With their legislation and cultural mores', secular humanists have turned our entire country into a filthy bathroom.


New member
Pentagon Social Policies Increase Military Sexual Assaults

Reports of sexual assault in all branches of the service have increased by 22% since FY 2007. (SAPRO Report for FY 2011, April 2012, Exhibit 3, p. 34)

hmm. an increase in the reporting of sexual assaults right after the pentagon put protections from retaliation from those reporting such abuse. Who would have guessed.

BTW - In May of this year the pentagon reported a dramatic decrease in the number of sexual assaults in the military
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