Bob on Toledo's WPOS Pt. 2

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Bob on Toledo's WPOS Pt. 2

This is the show from Tuesday October 16th, 2007.

Those who say they are constitutionalists and they use that as an excuse for apathy and to adopt a public position that they think will get them more votes is despicable because they should say that the God-given right to life is the foundation of all rights and no state has the authority to trade away a child's God-given right to life.


* Talk Show Host Mark Siffer: on Toledo's FM 102.3 WPOS concludes his interview with Bob regarding Dr. James Dobson's objection on his latest radio show that he gets criticized for celebrating the Gonzales v. Carhart partial-birth abortion manual on how to continue legally killing late-term babies in America.

* Maine Middle School May Prescribe the Pill: Student health officials say a broad contraceptive program is 'totally needed.' The proposal would build on the King Middle School health center's practice of providing condoms to young boys in an attempt to break down the resistance of their 12-year-old girlfriends. Fathers who send their daughters to public school in this day and age must not care that their daughters will be sexually harassed and sexually used.

The percentage of middle school students in Maine who reported having sexual intercourse was 13 percent in 2005, according to the Maine Youth Risk Behavior Survey. In an astounding feat of mental prowess, Nancy Birkhimer, director of teen health programs for the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, calculated: "Thirteen percent is still more than one in 10 students!"

* Bad Behavior Defense: Remember the Reginald Denny attackers defended their actions arguing, "We were at a riot, what did you expect us to do?" The Duke University La Crosse players defense was, "Hey, we're were just pigs, all we did was party with strippers." Of course, the cruel perjury committed against them was not surprising since in America, de facto, perjury has been widely decriminalized. And now there's the defense of the foul-mouthed Pennsylvania woman arrested for swearing at her toilet: "I was just shouting four-letter words at my toilet for overflowing."

* Ron Paul Would Let States Murder Children: Ron Paul is explicitly pro-choice state by state. (See his answer below, to a question asked by a KGOV listener, and his answer transcribed by a KGOV staffer). By Paul's principles and legislation, states would be allowed to permit child killing (and even fund abortion with tax dollars). Libertarians, as godless policy makers, are sexually immoral and tolerate murder. Anecodtally, driving to a pro-life event with our general manager Will Duffy on Friday, October 12, we saw a Ron Paul bumper sticker on a car that had a hate bumper sticker, the one that mocks Christianity by usurping the Christian fish symbol to promote Darwinism.

Ron Paul's YouTube interview July 14, 2007:
Question Austin Hines from Tulsa, OK: You say that abortion legislation should be decided on the state level rather than on the federal level. Does this mean that you believe the morality of the issue is not absolute? [Since the constitution defends the right to life, do we not have the right to define when life begins at the federal level?]

Answer from Ron Paul: I deal with the abortion issue like I deal with all acts of violence. I see the fetus as a human being that has legal rights, has legal inheritance rights from the day of conception. I as a physician if I injure the fetus, I have liabilities; if you are in a car accident or someone commits a violent act, and kills fetus, they are liable and responsible. But all acts of violence under our constitution are dealt with at the local level, murder, secondary, third-degree manslaughter; all these things and are done locally, and they are not always easy to sort out, and that is the magnificence of our system, and our constitution, is that the more difficult the issue, the more local it should be for sorting out these difficult issues. So, I would say yes, the states have the right, and the authority, to write the rules, and regulations, and punishments, for acts of violence. I believe strongly that this should be at the local level. Therefore, I would not support Roe vs. Wade, but I certainly am absolutely opposed to the federal government funding abortion. But I cannot protect and fight for personal liberty if I don't fight for the right to life; and if you endorse abortion moments before delivery, or in the third trimester, which is now legal, I as a physician could be paid for [aborting that child], at the same time, we have devised a system here today that if the baby is born, and the teenager or whomever throws the baby away, they're charged with murder. But if you are careless with this attitude, it's more than just a privacy issue; and [if you] say, well, the privacy of the mother is the only concern, but no, it's whether or not a living being is involved. If it were only the privacy issue, I believe our homes are our castles, and that government shouldn't have cameras there; they should never intrude. But I do not say that because our homes are our castles, that we have the right to murder our children. Nobody really endorses that. So, it's very hard intellectually, to distinguish between the killing of an infant a minute before birth, and a minute afterwards. And I think it deserves a lot of attention, but I also recognize that it's difficult for a lot of people to sort this out. That's why we really want the states to sort it out, and not have one answer at the federal level. Because if you depend on the federal level to decide these issues, you end up saying, well, it's in the courts, the Supreme Court should rule; and they legislated through that Roe vs. Wade incident, and they actually got very involved in details of the medical process of when and what abortions could be done. So, I think our system is, that you reject that notion, honor the commitment to the Constitution, and try to solve these difficult problems at the local level. And I am quite sure it will not be solved, and the solutions will not be perfect. We don't live in a perfect world, and we have to accept the political process that gives us the best answers. [End Ron Paul Excerpt]

Ron Paul has long worked with the Libertarian Party, and spoke at it's 2004 national convention, and he has never repudiated that party, even though the Libertarian Party is:
Pro-legalized abortion
Pro-legalized euthanasia (killing of handicapped and sick people, etc.)
Pro-legalized homosexuality
Pro-legalized pornography
Pro-legalizing drugs
Pro-legalizing suicide
Pro-legalizing prostitution

Libertarians are immoral, godless quasi-conservatives who therefore have no compass for righteousness in law.

And the above list is far more of a threat to America than is al Qaeda, for this platform is a prescription for how to destroy us from within. Yet Ron Paul does not understand these simple matters of right and wrong and governance.

-Bob Enyart,

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