The Beautiful People are At It Again

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The Beautiful People are At It Again

This is the show from Tuesday March 20th, 2007.


* Neil Emails Alexandra: "You're not an anti-abortion activist, so how can you say Bob is wrong? You're not opposed to the homoseuxal lifestyle, so how can you say those opposed to homosexuality are worng? You are not a man, so how can you say those men who think abortion is wrong are wrong?" Etc. Thanks Neil! -BE

* Preview: A debate on God's existence between Bob and a well-known atheist.

* Daniel from Dayton TN: calling from the home of the Scopes Trial (, a must-read site!) alerted BEL to Brazil's effort to criminalize any condemnation of homosexuality, and also of Britain forcing Catholic adoption agencies to place children with homosexuals. Varying by state, American adoption agencies have been similarly pressured to hurt children adopted out by denying them a home with a mom and a dad. And almost a decade ago a broadcaster in Canada said that their government would not allow him to air Bob Enyart Live because we teach that homosexuality is a sin. Finally, Bob's first cousin Michael Galluccio, to the shame of their shared grandfather and the hurt of many in their family, changed the law to make New Jersey the first state to allow homosexuals to adopt jointly.

Today's Resource: If you enjoyed the preview of our upcoming atheism debate, you'd probably really have fun reading this fascinating debate, Does God Exist? Bob Enyart vs. Zakath!


New member
Hall of Fame
How did Bob's cousin pull this off all by himself, or did he merely contribute to the law change? The way Jefferson worded it was a little odd.


New member
Does anyone know who the "well known atheist" is?

I don't have sound at work, so was unable to listen.


New member
Granite said:
Never heard of him but his website looks intriguing. Thanks for the link!

Reginald is good guy. I met him back in late '99/early 2000 when he was doing security work at the bank branch I was working at. The conversations I had with him were pretty much the highlight of an otherwise mind-numbing and miserable job.


New member
I've skimmed over another debate this guy had with a theist. His questions were pretty base in my opinion. But I might listen when he comes on, that would be a Nomad first.
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