James Dobson Abandons His Pledge

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James Dobson Abandons His Pledge

Thursday January 19th, 2006. This is show # 14.

In a letter from Focus On The Family staff member Ross Marshall to Denver Bible Church elder James Craddock, Marshall writes, "As Mr. Enyart stated, it is true that Dr, Dobson has said on previous occasions that he would never cast a vote for any politician who supports abortion. Recently, however..."


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Here's a more complete text of the letter:
As Mr. Enyart stated, it is true that Dr, Dobson has said on previous occasions that he would never cast a vote for any politician who supports abortion. Recently, however, there have been times that he felt he was faced with the necessity of making a difficult but innescapable choice between 2 or more major candidates.


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Is it Focus on the Politics, or Focus on the Family? It seems Mr. Dobson should rethink the name of his organization.


It seems to me that "good" men, agonize over pledges that they have made, and compromise, and strategize over evil in their midst.
People who have lost their consciences concerning abortion, probably have no problem, and lack of commitment to the opposite pledge. "I will never again support a candidate who seeks to prevent any abortions. " I am sure that many liberals have easily resolved that in their "hearts", and have never broken, or even considered vascillating on their pledges.
Government is at least as broken, and irreperable, as the public school system, which is a subset of government! However there is no alternative to it, as there is for the school system?
We are definately living in the 'quandry' of the verse...... "If the foudations be destroyed , what shall the righteous do? "

The foundation of government, and to a slightly lesser extent the Church, is destroyed. What shall we do? At this point James Dobson has the wrong answer, {compromise} and no one has both the right, and effectual answer?


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jeremiah said:
At this point James Dobson has the wrong answer, {compromise} and no one has both the right, and effectual answer?
The answer is simple. Christians need a campaign called, "No Litmus Test, No Votes." If the next Republican presidential candidate does not publicly vow to have a litmus test for any Supreme Court nominee, then we either stay home for the election, or we vote for a 3rd party candidate.

Most elections are won by a razor thin 1 or 2 percentage points. It wouldn't take a very large percentage of Christian voters to swing any election.

After we've thrown this upcomming election to the Democrats (yes, even if Hillary's running) we tell the Republicans that, unless they nominate a candidate with our litmus test, then we're going to throw the next election also.

What do you think the Republican party would do when the next election came around? Give us another pro abortion candidate, knowing in advance they would lose that election also? I doubt it.


The Dark Knight
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Screw the Republicans. They're nothing more than liberals claiming to be conservatives, and it's just not worth it anymore.:nono:

I'm beginning to hope the whole system falls apart, and that America has to rebuild. And hopefully it can be rebuilt with a government of God's design, one that won't leave any room for gradual corruption by the masses.


Jefferson said:
The answer is simple. Christians need a campaign called, "No Litmus Test, No Votes." If the next Republican presidential candidate does not publicly vow to have a litmus test for any Supreme Court nominee, then we either stay home for the election, or we vote for a 3rd party candidate.

Most elections are won by a razor thin 1 or 2 percentage points. It wouldn't take a very large percentage of Christian voters to swing any election.

After we've thrown this upcomming election to the Democrats (yes, even if Hillary's running) we tell the Republicans that, unless they nominate a candidate with our litmus test, then we're going to throw the next election also.

What do you think the Republican party would do when the next election came around? Give us another pro abortion candidate, knowing in advance they would lose that election also? I doubt it.

Christians should never have supported "no litmus test" George W Bush, but they did. And he has delivered on his promise, and nominated 3 "pro choice" justices. Your suggestion is what many of us Christians have been doing for the last several election cycles. It is what James Dobson pledged, in different words, of course, isn't it?
Most Evangelical pro-life Christians call it "throwing" your vote away. The majority of Christians who are themselves pro-life, actually think that Bush, Roberts and Alito are pro -life because they call themselves that, or are called that by their freinds and relatives.
Here is the truly diabolical part, They can actually vote pro-life until Bush nominates 1 or two "real" pro-lifers, and Roe v Wade will still be upheld, on a 5 to 4 vote. It could be ten or more years before they would actually be forced into revealing their true postions, as evidenced by their lower court rulings!
I agree with you that if Christians abandon the Republican party they will stop using the gullible majority amongst us. Hey, that is what we-they should be called. ......The "Gullible Majority." :hammer:


The Dark Knight
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They're not really a majority if their votes aren't making a difference, are they?


Lighthouse said:
Screw the Republicans. They're nothing more than liberals claiming to be conservatives, and it's just not worth it anymore.:nono:

I'm beginning to hope the whole system falls apart, and that America has to rebuild. And hopefully it can be rebuilt with a government of God's design, one that won't leave any room for gradual corruption by the masses.

The whole system doesn't NEED to fall apart! If we could only go back 50 years when it wasn't legal to abort, or sodomize, and even adultery was considered a shame, and a legal grounds for divorce, and child custody. No politician then, could even get a hearing, if these were his beliefs. Now you practically can't get nominated as a Democrat, unless you've committed adultery, and abortion, and homosexual marriage, are your beliefs!
Republicans generally are of the same beliefs as Democrats when it comes to sexuality. They are simply trying to win elections with a different slice of the voting public.

America in one way is very easy to figure out! The goal of the 1960's was sexual hedonism. It is now part of our laws and protected by our government. That is why the foundation of Government and the Churches is destroyed. God's purpose for Government is to punish the evil doer and to defend the innocent. The purpose of the Church is to tell us what is right, and what is wrong, according to God's Word. In the area of sexuality, both foundations are nearly completely destroyed!
Abortion and Aids, are two of the consequences, and the price, both the guilty, and the innocent are paying, because the Government, and Churches, accept and profess sexual "Liberty."


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
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jeremiah said:
The whole system doesn't NEED to fall apart! If we could only go back 50 years when it wasn't legal to abort, or sodomize, and even adultery was considered a shame, and a legal grounds for divorce, and child custody. No politician then, could even get a hearing, if these were his beliefs. Now you practically can't get nominated as a Democrat, unless you've committed adultery, and abortion, and homosexual marriage, are your beliefs!
Republicans generally are of the same beliefs as Democrats when it comes to sexuality. They are simply trying to win elections with a different slice of the voting public.
If we went back 5o years, what do you think America would be like 50 years later? Huh? And don't assume it would be just like it is now. It wouldn't. It'd be worse. A lot worse. Not to mention the fact that we aren't going to go back 50 years anyway. This America will never go back to what it needs to be. We would need a new America for that. We would need to start over, and make it the law that the laws can never be changed. And remove the sorry notion that majority rules is a good idea. Because it's not. There is none righteous, and when the unrighteous vote what do you think they vote for? They vote for unrighteousness, and other unrighteous people. Then unrighteous laws get passed, and the whole system is corrupted.

America in one way is very easy to figure out! The goal of the 1960's was sexual hedonism. It is now part of our laws and protected by our government. That is why the foundation of Government and the Churches is destroyed. God's purpose for Government is to punish the evil doer and to defend the innocent. The purpose of the Church is to tell us what is right, and what is wrong, according to God's Word. In the area of sexuality, both foundations are nearly completely destroyed!
Abortion and Aids, are two of the consequences, and the price, both the guilty, and the innocent are paying, because the Government, and Churches, accept and profess sexual "Liberty."
Exactly. Which is why fighting to change it back is getting us nowhere. We need to fight for a change to something new, not something old.
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