Questions on Acts 1-2


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Here are some good questions to ask yourself while reading Acts chapters 1 and 2

Chapter 1

What is the former written work referred to? (1, Luke 1:1-4)

What does “began both to do and teach” imply? (1)

What two-word phrase is used four times in Chapter 1? (2,9,11,22)

What word indicates that the Holy Ghost is essential? (2,4)

What word is used to describe the certainty of the resurrection Jesus? (3)

How long was Jesus seen after His resurrection? (3)

What mistaken idea did the disciples have? (6,7)

How is the “great commission” described in Acts? (8)

What is said about Jesus coming again? (11)

Who gathered in the upper room besides the apostles? (13-14)

How many gathered in the upper room? (15)

Who was chosen to replace Judas? (15-26)

Chapter 2

What was the day of Pentecost? (Lev.23:15,16, Acts 2:1, 20:16, I Cor. 16:8)

What phrase shows the unity of purpose of the disciples? (1:14, 2:1,46)

What three impressive phenomena occurred when the Holy Ghost was first given? (2-4)

What reactions did the observers have? (6,7,12,13)

From where did the observers come? (5,8-11)

What four questions did Peter answer in his “sermon”? (7,8,12,37)

What time of day did the outpouring occur? (15)

What prophecy did the outpouring of the Holy Ghost fulfill? (16-18, Joel 2:28-32)

What are six things that Peter said about Jesus in his message? (22-36)

What prophecy did Peter give regarding the resurrection? (25-27, Psa.16:8-11)

What phrase shows that the listeners to Peter’s sermon were deeply affected? (37)

How did Peter reply to the question “what shall we do?” (38-39)

Who is the promise of the Holy Ghost for? (39)

How many were added to the church after Peter spoke? (41)

What four things did these new converts continue to do? (42)

What were some attitudes of the early church? (41,43-47)