I like Bob Enyart


New member
You know what-- Enyart and I serve the same Jesus and desire to share with others about His love. This is what is important. That is why I love this guy. I apologize for the times I have demeaned his ministry. I was wrong in doing so. Yes, I have some serious problems with some of his teachings but when it comes to the essentials we agree. I bless him and his family.


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Re: I like Bob Enyart

Originally posted by Freak
You know what-- Enyart and I serve the same Jesus and desire to share with others about His love. This is what is important. That is why I love this guy. I apologize for the times I have demeaned his ministry. I was wrong in doing so. Yes, I have some serious problems with some of his teachings but when it comes to the essentials we agree. I bless him and his family.
Very big of you, Freak. Well done.:thumb: :cool:


New member
Re: Re: I like Bob Enyart

Re: Re: I like Bob Enyart

Originally posted by shilohproject
Very big of you, Freak. Well done.:thumb: :cool:
When I'm wrong I'm wrong. Case close.


New member
Re: I like Bob Enyart

Originally posted by Freak
[Insert Name]... and I serve the same Jesus and desire to share with others about His love. This is what is important.
Good old Liberal Christians, too. Right?:p


New member
Re: Re: I like Bob Enyart

Re: Re: I like Bob Enyart

Originally posted by shilohproject
Good old Liberal Christians, too. Right?:p
Liberals reject the testimony of Jesus.


New member
and I apologize to Knight for the times I have embarrassed him in attacking his precious pastor.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak
and I apologize to Knight for the times I have embarrassed him in attacking his precious pastor.
I forgive you. And I am sure Bob will forgive you as well... maybe you should PM him?


New member
Btw, this is some great work by Bob in regards to the Trinity, he needs to put this in booklet form:

Moral inconsistency is an absolute determinant for wrong… Thus consistency is a necessary property of righteousness (and thus of being right)… Humans are social beings, and our morality magnifies itself in our actions toward others. Thus because morality is social, a social God [IMA] who interacts with multiple persons has an additional context in which to objectively demonstrate His morality. Let me illustrate the implications of this using the Christian conception of the Trinitarian God, Father, Son and Spirit, three persons in one God. If God is a Trinitarian God, then He has an eternal track record of interaction between the persons of the Godhead. And if during that eternal fellowship, if any moral inconsistency appeared, then God would be objectively evil. But an atheist may ask, ‘What if there was no inconsistency because this God is consistently evil?’ A [Trinitarian] God with other Persons to interact with has other frames of reference, that is, other perspectives from which to declare Himself. Thus if the Son willingly submits to the Father, because He implicitly trusts the Father from whom He has never experienced harm, and the Spirit brings glory to the Son, because He has never felt threatened by the Son, and the Father loves the Son and the Spirit, never having His wellbeing jeopardized by either, then ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established.’ Thus even though it is the only standard He has ever known, God the Father can determine that His own standard is righteous because He has never violated it, and because the independent persons of the Son and the Spirit testify that the Father has never violated their own self-interests. This process is greatly amplified when God creates other beings, and as He reveals Himself to them in various ways. For, He must behave toward them in their own best interest, or else He violates His own standard of love. And He must punish those who hurt others, or else He violates His own standard of justice. And if God’s intention was not for the welfare but for the harm of created eternal beings, then He would have violated His own declared standard. Thus while moral inconsistency indicates wickedness, eternal consistency proves either continuous good or continuous evil; and multiple perspectives from independent persons provide information regarding whether God acts on behalf of, or against, their best interests.”
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This is huge of you Freak.


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Originally posted by Poly
This is huge of you Freak.
I apologize to you Poly. I was wrong in saying some mean things to you. You are my sister in Christ. Yes, I have problems with some of your teachings but I thank God for your stand for Jesus!

And I'm sure we'll still get in some heated disagreements.:D


New member
Some of you are thinking I've wimped out---that is simply not the case. When I am wrong I am wrong case close. I wronged Knight, Bob, and Poly. I repent.

Believe me I'll still tackle any false beliefs anyone promotes with passion. But I wronged these people. So I need to apologize.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak
Some of you are thinking I've wimped out---that is simply not the case. When I am wrong I am wrong case close. I wronged Knight, Bob, and Poly. I repent.

Believe me I'll still tackle any false beliefs anyone promotes with passion. But I wronged these people. So I need to apologize.
I appreciate that... and like I said all is forgiven.

I also wronged Freak the very last time I banned him. I jumped the gun and reacted to quickly and banned him again.

I apologize for doing that to you Freak.


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by Freak
I apologize to you Poly. I was wrong in saying some mean things to you. You are my sister in Christ. Yes, I have problems with some of your teachings but I thank God for your stand for Jesus!

And I'm sure we'll still get in some heated disagreements.:D
Thanks Freak! And heated disagreements I can stand. :box: ;)


New member
Originally posted by Knight
I appreciate that... and like I said all is forgiven.

I also wronged Freak the very last time I banned him. I jumped the gun and reacted to quickly and banned him again.

I apologize for doing that to you Freak.
I understand Knight. No hard feelings. I know I'm hard to deal with at times. Love you all. :up: