Richard Dawkins Argues for Intelligent Design

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Richard Dawkins Argues for Intelligent Design

This is the show from Monday April 21st, 2008.

[Richard Dawkins] said, Well, [the origin of life] could have come about in this way: The evidence may show, as we look at the complexity, as we look at the genetic mechanisms, that might be evidence that a long time ago, far far away in another galaxy, that there was a civilization that evolved by Darwinian means. And that civilization designed life and seeded it on our earth.

So then he actually says it could be that a higher intelligence from somewhere out there came and designed life on earth. And that is just...I mean, people get fired, their careers are ruined for saying that. And he is the world's leading atheist/evolutionist.
The claim by atheists and evolutionists that Richard Dawkins was somehow misrepresented because of the editing or that he was tricked about the topic of discussion - those claims are so obviously untrue. ...And they say, "We didn't know it was an "Intelligent Design" movie." Tough, you cowards. You wouldn't have been in it. You only want to be interviewed by reporters giving you softballs. What, you're afraid of a little cross-examination?
There is a crisis among molecular biologists. Reporters like Larry Wortham of the Washington Times and other biologists who all said that when you go to a science conference you meet with these guys. If they trust you, if they've had 2 or 3 beers, they're going to admit that there is a crisis in molecular biology because to do their research they assume that it was all designed. And by making that assumption, that helps them with their research, but they cannot speak publically that they assume it was designed. They can't say it because they'll be fired.


* I Saw "Expelled" 15 Times: as part of the American RTL movie marathon, I saw Ben Stein's film 15 times this weekend in Denver. The widespread claim by evolutionists that somehow atheist Richard Dawkins was misrepresented by editing or tricked about the topic of discussion is untenable. Dawkins is engaged in the discussion with Stein; he admits that the complexity observed in microbiology could be evidence that life on earth originated from a higher intelligence, somewhere out there in the universe. Of course, he claims that such a higher lifeform must have evolved by some kind of Darwinian mechanism. But if genetic and cellular complexity provides evidence that life on earth is too complex to arise by chance, then evolutionists like Dawkins and Francis Crick are just punting to claim it must have originated somewhere else. Dawkins validates the Intelligent Design argument. The film is powerful!

* RTL Groups Criticize Republican Schaffer: After the campaign of Colorado Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Bob Schaffer refused to meet with pro-life leader Steve Curtis to address questions about forced abortion, two right-to-life groups issued this joint press release:

Former State Republican Chairman
Criticizes U.S. Senate Candidate Over Forced Abortion

"The pro-life movement will no longer give a pass to candidates like Bob Schaffer who look the other way when Chinese women are forced to abort their children," said Steve Curtis, former chairman of the Colorado Republican Party and spokesperson for American Right To Life Action. "At best Schaffer was negligent investigating coerced abortion in the Mariana Islands. Worse, he has voted (May 2000) for permanent normal trade relations with China, rewarding the regime that forces women to abort their children."

The vice president of Colorado's largest pro-life organization agrees. "At Colorado Right To Life, one of our dearest members, a young woman named Shiu Yon Zhou, is the victim of Chinese forced abortion policy," said Leslie Hanks. "While Bob Schaffer supported (1990s) most-favored nation trading status to Communist China, that government was literally forcing women like Shiu Yon down on operating tables and killing their unborn children."

"As a Chinese woman, I know the horror and shame of forced abortion," said Shiu Yon Zhou. "And I beg Mr. Schaffer to not look the other way, and to apologize for being part of the problem. He calls himself pro-life, but how can he be when he is not outraged by Chinese forced abortion? That is worse than pro-choice."

"I've been to the Mariana Islands," said Curtis. "CNMI is not a place to hand out millions of hard-earned U.S. tax dollars. I question the rationale of sending Bob Schaffer to investigate forced abortion in the Mariana Islands when he continues to look the other way tolerating that horrific practice."

Today's Resource: Read American Right To Life's great press release at or at dozens of other major news sites (AOL, Forbes, Houston Chronicle, LA Times, etc.). This was a fun Expelled movie marathon and it's not too late for you to see the movie at a theater near you!
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Well-known member
Best part of the movie!

... except maybe for the part about life growing "on the backs of crystals" :chuckle:
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