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  • JudgeRightly
    JudgeRightly reacted to Derf's post in the thread Is eternal suffering literal? with Like Like.
    Why do you start with the premise that God is omnipresent? Is it a necessary attribute of God? Is it biblically justified? I'm not sure...
  • Derf
    Derf reacted to Bladerunner's post in the thread Is eternal suffering literal? with Like Like.
    thanks for the advise. Did not know the 'return' would work like that...However, I usually copy the post and on a editor write my...
  • Derf
    Derf replied to the thread Is eternal suffering literal?.
    Gen 2 says a soul is made up of an inanimate body animated by a breath from God. If either part is missing, or not functioning, the...
  • B
    thanks for the advise. Did not know the 'return' would work like that...However, I usually copy the post and on a editor write my...
  • P
    Ps82 replied to the thread Jesus is God !.
    Remember, what I will write will be what I believe is the correct interpretation regarding symbolism we can find used through out the...
  • Keiw1
    Keiw1 replied to the thread Is eternal suffering literal?.
    The holy spirit guided my religion into truth=at the proper time( Matt 24:45)--God only has 1 truth, God only has 1 religion, not...
  • Keiw1
    Keiw1 replied to the thread Jesus is God !.
    You put your eternal life in Catholicism translating. Not a wise place to stand. Her own translating proves 100% she is false...
  • 7djengo7
    7djengo7 reacted to Derf's post in the thread Is eternal suffering literal? with Like Like.
    The issue that you're still not willing to address is that you have made your own moral code and are judging God by it. You've decided...
  • Derf
    Derf replied to the thread Is eternal suffering literal?.
    Why do you start with the premise that God is omnipresent? Is it a necessary attribute of God? Is it biblically justified? I'm not sure...
  • 7djengo7
    7djengo7 replied to the thread Trump News.
    Only in the same sense as you've actually read any of those numerous law tomes pictured as ostentatiously shelved behind you in your TOL...
  • Derf
    Derf replied to the thread Is eternal suffering literal?.
    Right! And you don't find truth by first deciding what you believe, and then reading it into the scriptures.
  • 7djengo7
    7djengo7 reacted to ok doser's post in the thread Trump News with Like Like.
  • 7djengo7
    7djengo7 reacted to Avajs's post in the thread Trump News with Haha Haha.
    Is a convicted felon.
  • P
    Ps82 replied to the thread Is eternal suffering literal?.
    My thoughts: If God is omni-present, then if there is a created place by definition he is there! I also believe God did not create...
  • 7djengo7
    7djengo7 reacted to Clete's post in the thread Jesus is God ! with Like Like.
    As I said, you are not a Christian. I do not discuss Christian doctrine with those who actively reject the gospel. Let me know if you...