Reconciliation Room (Matthew 5:25)


In debate... we may find ourselves vehemently opposing a fellow believer or unbeliever. Thinks get rugged and sometimes friendships can be threatened or lost. The idea of a room where opposed in theology friends might peacefully engage in dialogue and possibly relate through the method of agreeing to disagree dawned on me. It is obvious that peaceful discussion doesn't mean a conceding of either view point... just a recognition that unity in Christ should forever trump theological dispute.

Maybe this thread will float away into oblivion and maybe some expressions of human reconciliation will go unanswered... but it is my desire to create this.

Perhaps this room could even be humorous at times as some may reference two people that fight to the theological death over a matter here.

How to use it? As most know... using the @ character followed immediately by a users ID. Example [MENTION=18263]Nameless.In.Grace[/MENTION]

Write a message of reconciliation and drop a mention of that person's name.

[MENTION=1746]freelight[/MENTION] ... I'll be continually taking a certain matter to task... but... I felt like this was a fair contribution to the positive side of matters. ... Please feel free to add a message of your choice to this OP and I will quote it in to the actual OP. If you think this is a fair idea... of course.

I can't emphasize enough... this isn't to stop a debate or cease vehement discussion on matters... but it is to exalt unity in Christ above theological matters.

Like in ... Acts 2:46, 47

Christ Crucified is the bottom line. This is peace. Name calling... harsh speech and staunch biblical defense will always continue until the Final WORD is present again... until then... here is the reconciliation room.

Unity sounds really cool until you read scripture that is chalked full of telling folks to be separate.
[MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION] , right you are. One of the quickest ways to aggravate a large group of people is to express the concept of "unmerited favor". I believe that this is the very reason the early church was slaughtered by the droves. The Gospel puts us on equal grounds with every human being alive... and Rulers, Governments, authorities and a bunch of people (in general) absolutely hate this concept.

Many who come here... may not believe in the humility that comes with the acceptance of "unmerited favor", but... it is true that division and being set apart comes with Jesus' name... even if it is in the offering of a genuinely free gift.

I shall reconcile universal truths and principles in the theosophical tradition, with 'Christ-friendliness' :) - I also have my 'cosmic cafe' thread here too, in the 'Back Alley'. Its a peculiar zone here, but I shall philosophize away as usual, if that's fine with you. Here are nothing but words anyways,....just letters splashed upon a screen for your souls entertainment or consideration. All that is being conveyed are thoughts, ideas, meanings, values. Do with them as you please,...I like to synthesize, integrate, correlate what I can, and if 'Christ' reconciles all peoples together as ONE, then so be it. Its 'Christ in YOU, the hope of glory'. This hope of 'glory', is the nature of divinity unfolding and being manifested in your being, in and thru whatever body-form you now posses, or shall posses. - with that, enjoy!

In that light...

[MENTION=1746]freelight[/MENTION] 's Cosmic Cafe is linked here. It's a place where people can let it all theologically hang out, from what I understand.

Feel free to step into a wonderland of information and theosophical perspective... if you are so inclined to do so.
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Eclectic Theosophist
Plunge into holiness (wholeness)

Plunge into holiness (wholeness)

Unity sound really cool until you read scripture that is chalked full of telling folks to be separate.

Well, in my own case, since I might what be called a 'pure universalist' or 'theosophist' in my cosmological view, a 'Christ-friendly' one... within a pan-en-theist world-view, Truth and Wisdom being Universal, is a unique claim of Judaism as being a people 'set apart' for 'God' and from this the whole concept of 'holiness' is derived. - the Pharisees took this further in their religious zeal, since their very name means 'set apart, sperated', so in a sense they are 'seperatists',....segregating themselves from the world, other religious groups or schools, 'believing' themselves to be 'separated unto God's service'. While this may increase one's devotion to 'God' in a 'special' sense, it also isolates and can foster an exclusive 'chosen people' or 'chosen person' mentality.

I think a deeper study in holiness is of interest here as well, but with a different nuance,...focusing on the root word behind 'holy' as meaning wholeness, peace, fullness, perfection...and then have this apply to all souls in their relationship to God, the One, the All, the Totality :)

etymology: before 900; Middle English holi, Old English hālig, variant of hāleg, equivalent to hāl whole + -eg -y1; cognate with Dutch, German heilig, Old Norse heilagr.

holy (adj.) Look up holy at Dictionary.comOld English halig "holy, consecrated, sacred; godly; ecclesiastical," from Proto-Germanic *hailaga- (source also of Old Norse heilagr, Danish hellig, Old Frisian helich "holy," Old Saxon helag, Middle Dutch helich, Old High German heilag, German heilig, Gothic hailags "holy"), from PIE *kailo- "whole, uninjured" (see health). Adopted at conversion for Latin sanctus.

Primary (pre-Christian) meaning is not possible to determine, but probably it was "that must be preserved whole or intact, that cannot be transgressed or violated," and connected with Old English.

Here is a super article by a 'christian' with the emphasis of 'holiness' also including 'wholeness' :)

With this understanding I present that 'God' is 'holy', not only because He is separate, other, special and unique, all-transcendent, but that he is complete wholeness, uter perfection, Self-sufficient, All in all, indivisible, unblemished, untainted, stainless, full, not lacking in anything, full,....that sense of completeness that is beyond words, but at the heart of what God IS in his essential nature, being, character, even personhood (if we consider 'personality' of Deity, although there are aspects of Deity that are beyond 'personal').

So,....I guess this is my first 'stab' at the thread, and what a better way then to 'worship' the LORD in the beauty of holiness (contemplating his wholeness and perfection of Being) - a wholeness and perfection we share as well, as his image and likeness is mirrored in our own soul-body, furthermore having his Spirit indwell this temple, bears all the more testimony to His undiminished presence. 'Sin' therefore is any lack or imperfection, a falling short, a missing of the mark of pure love, our own brokenness before it is healed or made whole by God's presence. We could explore further from these common themes and understandings within the context of imperfection and perfection. We know it is by LOVE that we are made perfect,...since in Jesus command that we be 'perfect' as our Heavenly Father is perfect, he was meaning in the way we show love to those who are underserving or different from us, even as the Father's love is impartial and all-inclusive (matt.5).

Let us be made whole in God, and thereby reflect his beauty, but that spirit-presence of 'God' in us all-ready and eternally IS holy. Therefore with the angels and other sons of God we may cry "holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty", his indivisible fullness, all-pervading totality.... fills all time and eternity......


Eclectic Theosophist
In debate... we may find ourselves vehemently opposing a fellow believer or unbeliever. Thinks get rugged and sometimes friendships can be threatened or lost. The idea of a room where opposed in theology friends might peacefully engage in dialogue and possibly relate through the method of agreeing to disagree dawned on me. It is obvious that peaceful discussion doesn't mean a conceding of either view point... just a recognition that unity in Christ should forever trump theological dispute.

Maybe this thread will float away into oblivion and maybe some expressions of human reconciliation will go unanswered... but it is my desire to create this.

Perhaps this room could even be humorous at times as some may reference two people that fight to the theological death over a matter here.

How to use it? As most know... using the @ character followed immediately by a users ID. Example [MENTION=18263]Nameless.In.Grace[/MENTION]

Write a message of reconciliation and drop a mention of that person's name.

[MENTION=1746]freelight[/MENTION] ... I'll be continually taking a certain matter to task... but... I felt like this was a fair contribution to the positive side of matters. ... Please feel free to add a message of your choice to this OP and I will quote it in to the actual OP. If you think this is a fair idea... of course.

I can't emphasize enough... this isn't to stop a debate or cease vehement discussion on matters... but it is to exalt unity in Christ above theological matters.

Like in ... Acts 2:46, 47

Christ Crucified is the bottom line. This is peace. Name calling... harsh speech and staunch biblical defense will always continue until the Final WORD is present again... until then... here is the reconciliation room.

I shall reconcile universal truths and principles in the theosophical tradition, with 'Christ-friendliness' :) - I also have my 'cosmic cafe' thread here too, in the 'Back Alley'. Its a peculiar zone here, but I shall philosophize away as usual, if that's fine with you. Here are nothing but words anyways,....just letters splashed upon a screen for your souls entertainment or consideration. All that is being conveyed are thoughts, ideas, meanings, values. Do with them as you please,...I like to synthesize, integrate, correlate what I can, and if 'Christ' reconciles all peoples together as ONE, then so be it. Its 'Christ in YOU, the hope of glory'. This hope of 'glory', is the nature of divinity unfolding and being manifested in your being, in and thru whatever body-form you now posses, or shall posses. - with that, enjoy!


Eclectic Theosophist
Luke 12:51 KJV
(51) Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

Sure,...there are a few passages that speak of Jesus bringing a 'sword', whereas elsewhere he's the Prince of Peace. Naturally in the siding of souls to truth or error, faith or distrust, light or darkness, life or death....there will be a 'dividing'. Otherwise, Jesus ushers us into life and peace, if we choose his gospel. The choosing of life or death, is itself a 'reconciling' of free will, the freedom to choose being the ultimate determining factor in personal destiny.


Well-known member
Interesting thread and discussion. Although we see continual separation in a growing church this is only the body of Christ organising itself into what it will become, which will be a hierarchical government with Christ as the head. To His right will be His right hand man and to His left His other main assistant, under them will be the 24 Elders (The 12 Apostles and 12 Holy Men of God). Under them will be the 144,000 (divided into 12 legions of 6000) and below them the great multitude. Within this hierarchy there will be total order and peace. Till then we must just keep working though this 'developmental' stage.


Eclectic Theosophist
Interesting thread and discussion. Although we see continual separation in a growing church this is only the body of Christ organising itself into what it will become, which will be a hierarchical government with Christ as the head. To His right will be His right hand man and to His left His other main assistant, under them will be the 24 Elders (The 12 Apostles and 12 Holy Men of God). Under them will be the 144,000 (divided into 12 legions of 6000) and below them the great multitude. Within this hierarchy there will be total order and peace. Till then we must just keep working though this 'developmental' stage.

Ah, we shall see if it exactly unfolds in that manner,...but until all hearts and minds are attuned to the Holy can such things orchestrate or become so ordered?


Well-known member
Ah, we shall see if it exactly unfolds in that manner,...but until all hearts and minds are attuned to the Holy can such things orchestrate or become so ordered?

Many Christians are already 'attuned' the to the Holy-Spirit, and our numbers are increasing, but the hierarchy/Holy Government won't come about till Jesus returns. Only then will we being to see this body but this will only be Christ with His two top Christian followers, the 24 Elders and the 144,000, as it will take another 1000 years before the 2nd resurrection brings in the great multitude. Then we will see the final and complete Bride of Christ.


[MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION]

I'm ready to humble myself. I have been overly harsh towards you and I desire reconciliation with you. I'm submitting a formal apology to you here. Will you accept it, Sir?

I erased my rant towards you in the Slaying thread, which is now closed. I closed it.

I understand if you don't feel too warmly towards me and I am still an ornery cuss. But... I genuinely have laid my hatchet towards Calvinism down.

If we are a kingdom divided, what good are we?

- Sincere apologies, respect and admission of my guilt.


Eclectic Theosophist



Love reconciles all, in its essential, universal and fundamental reality, which has within it the divine law and principle of its own inherent integrity, indivisibility. Love's wholeness is perfect, complete, INFINITE.

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