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  1. T

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    Is a large Meteorite, named Hoba in Namibia, a missing link to Genesis 1:6 Hoba is ostensibly a “meteorite” that is in Namibia, Africa. Hoba is the largest/only slab of iron/nickel/cobalt ever discovered. It weighs in at 132,000 lbs. 9’ x 9’ x 3’ thick. It lies where it was discovered in 1920...
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    Genesis 4:1 “I have gotten a man from the Lord.”

    Below are some random translations of Gen 4:1 Does anyone know why Eve needed help in having a son? Does anyone know why the Gen: 4:1 is translated by many to man and not son? I have gotten a man with the help of Jehovah. “I'll name him Cain because I got him with the help of the Lord.” “I...
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    Black hole power in a lightning bolt?

    When lightning strikes the sand a Fulgurite is created, they are very fragile, as they are hollow when cleaned up (loose sand) and have lots of air spaces, in the center. The Direct current ( DC ) in lighting pushes light away from it core and makes the shine only in one direction outward. A...
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    Did God make a distinction between light and shine?

    Gen 1:3 God said, “I command light to shine! And light started shining. 4 God looked at the light and saw that it was good." CEV If, God did make a distinction between light and shine it would be wise for men to do the same or at the very least consider it. Making a distinction between light...
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    Does light have a tail?

    Does light have a trailing edge or a tail if you will. If light is instant than the off is just as fast as is the on, and no trailing edge. If light has a speed then it has a tail. A method to discover the one-way speed of light. To find out if light has a speed limit take it past that limit...
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    This simple thought experiment will change your world view.

    Everyone eventfully dies. Of all the ways there are to die, there is only one way to die that is problematic and that would be to die un-prepared. There are countless causes of death., and I encourage everyone to make their own personal list of the possible ways they might die. I spent a fair...
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    The best way to die.

    Everyone will eventfully die and there is nothing wrong with dying. Of all the ways there are to die, there is only one way to die that is bad. That would be an un-prepared death. There are countless causes of death. I would encourage everyone to make their own personal list of the possible...
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    Covid 19 accelerates the end of Babel and soon the end of war.

    As people desert New York, NY they are quickly realizing that they don't need to live in a metropolitan area to make a living, and more importantly the companies that employee them are learning the same lesson. Those same companies are quickly becoming aware that the location of a well qualified...
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    President Trump usurps the power of congress. 

    Trump signed three executive orders today that clearly overstep his ability to spend money but he did it anyway. Congress and the courts, everyday usurp power given to the executive branch and they are never called on it. Usurpation of powers is nothing new, but having a President of the USA do...
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    Creationist are losing the battle in the world wide hysteria over covid-19.

    The battle at issue is clearly defined: Is God's creation good or not? And so far, the creationists are not even present on the field of battle. Until the covid-19 foolishness came to the world, I had no idea just how many people, sadly, live in fear of getting sick. And it seems to me that...
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    Adam and or Eve had all the viruses.

    Viruses are not technically alive outside of a host. And just how long they can exist outside a host is unknown. So, Adam and Eve had to have had most if not all the viruses by kind, and they lived close to a 1000 years . . . I say that is interesting. Seeds and pollen, which are in some ways...
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    Chris Wallace's "careering ending blow"

    RE: Wallace interviewing Ben Carson The consummate gentlemen Ben Carson, handed Chris Wallace his hat, Sunday morning on Wallace’s not at all fair and balanced morning “news” show. If you didn’t see it, try to, it is worth the effort. Wallace was no match for Carson’s intellect. It was a...
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    Changing the Culture that killed George

    George Floyd died at the hand(s) of the police in their normal course of doing business. What we witnessed, is the ingrained culture of police departments in many places. There is a simple way to fix that problem. For what ever reason the cop(s) who caused the death of George Floyd can be seen...
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    Senator Tom Cotton's life is based on a pretext. 

    Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) on Sunday morning futures today, said concerning covid-19, it "originated in one of those two laboratories in Wuhan" then a moment later he says "or where ever it originated" . . . The sad truth is he has no idea where this or any virus came from. God created...
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    Diversity among the kinds. 

    God created and He created by kinds. What role if any do viruses play in our diversity? We know that viruses can affect the information in our genetic code. We know that God gave us an immune system to ward off viruses of certain kind(s) and more importantly not other kinds. Diversity...
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    Stereo-typical humor that should be allowed. 

    While I mostly comply with the society norms on forbidden humor, I will not impose a personal ban for the brand new stereo type, "The mask wearer". Mask wearer's will be made fun of, so if you are one of them, get use to it or take it off. Mask wearers are generally, compliant, conformist...
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    Bi-partisanship is far more dangerous than is Covid-19 !

    One thing that I hear quite often these days from the talking heads is . . . How nice it is that we have "bi-partisanship" on this or that matter concerning covid-19 It is laughable and absurd to think that when laws are passed in a bi partisanship manner, that they are somehow good...
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    Coincidence or causal relation?

    With the advent of the internet and social media, societies have never been so "socially distant" ever before. Is there a possible nexus between social distancing and making yourself vulnerable to a virus? Does social distancing undermined "herd immunity"...
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    Social distancing has always been here, but what we have now is un-Christian

    To love another, you can't distance yourself, love . . . is not a gift you can give from a distance. Love can only be dispensed, face to face and eye to eye . . . to distance each other is not healthy for society. Distancing yourself tells people who aren't like you that you are afraid of them...
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    Is there a Christian cosmology that doesn't include miracles?

    I use to love learning about all the proofs that God Created the universe. I especially liked geochronometry. I still enjoy hearing new things as they are discovered on a daily bases that prove a young earth. But a lot of creation science gets a little too far into the weeds for the average...